Chapter 23- New Information

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Kirika tapped her high heels impatiently against the shiny floor of the waiting room. Just how long was it going to take her sister to get here? Meanwhile, the receptionist was cowering in fear behind her desk. Kirika was quite terrifying when she was irritated. Making eye contact with the poor lady alone made her duck under her desk. Honestly. Just as she thought ### would never arrive, she heard footsteps, looked up, and saw her younger sister. "Ah, there you are."

I stand before my sister, Kirika. "Why did you call me, Nee-san?" I ask her. "I have new information on Truth Finder " Kirika says. "From doing a little research and looking through the history and logs on the school's computers, I can confirm it's someone from Osaka University." She locks eyes with me intently, and my blood runs cold. 


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It could be anyone from this school. Ichika...That girl with the thick glasses...Even Daichi. Everyone's a suspect. I can't trust anyone at my school, not even the teachers. As if sensing my anxiety, Kirika pats my shoulder. "Hey, ###-chan. Don't worry. You don't need to be super cautious, just a little wary." My sister reassures me. I nod, although my anxiety levels don't lower at all. "Sure."

 I can't trust anyone, I remind myself again

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 I can't trust anyone, I remind myself again. I remind myself even as Kirika tells me I can go. I remind myself as I step out into the main hall of the university, as I head up the stairs to my next class. I can't trust anyone, I can't trust anyone, the phrase repeats in my head over and over again like a broken CD, overlapping. And soon, my mind can't concentrate on anything else except for those words.

But the truth is that I haven't ever been able to trust anyone.

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