Chapter 5-Paid debts

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I wake up at 8:00, rubbing my eyes. I slept like a log last night. I stumble out of my bed, today's Sunday, I'll be back at college tomorrow.  As I go into the shower, I brace myself for the usual icy-cold water. Surprisingly, I feel warm water against my skin, what? I wash my black hair, till in disbelief. It's been such a long time since I've had hot water. But the water suddenly feels like it's burning me, who paid for this? I turn off the hot water, and wrap my towel around me, and step out of the bathroom. Who paid for my hot water? I get dressed again, and pour cereal into my bowl, eating. Just then, I hear a knock on my door. I groan and open the door, who's knocking at this time? I just woke up. I groan when I see the man in the business suit at my door, arms folded. "What do you want, Furuichi-san?", I mutter, not looking at him. "###-san," he says, "your debts have paid." 

What? "What do you mean?" I ask, curiously. "An anonymous individual contributed to paying your bills, that's all I can say", Furuichi-san replied. I stand there, dumbstruck. "Have a nice day," he says politely, and I close the door. As soon as I close on the door, I fall down, and just stay there for a full minute, not moving. That's how surprised I am.  Who paid my debts? I quickly get up, and snatch my phone, quickly dialling my sister's number, I impatiently wait for her to answer, and it takes about 3 minutes for her to pick up. "Yes?" she answered. 

"Sis, did you pay my debts?" I ask.

"No, I didn't", she replied. 

"Then who did?" I reply.

"I don't know, but you should be grateful." she says, and hangs up.

I bite my lip, you never talk to me, I think. I sigh and put my phone down. Who would even donate to my cause anyway? I should at least be grateful for the time-being. I stretch, maybe I should go for a walk again. Suddenly, a thought pops up in my head, Mafumafu. Did he pay my bills? I grit my teeth, that idiot. Gives me more of a reason to go walking, I think, as I throw some clothes and storm out, I'm gonna kick his butt. 

"...and I also paid her debts, Soraru-san!", I say cheerfully.  "Mafu-kun, I don't think she'll be pleased, especially after you told me how she acted.", he sighed. He doesn't understand. "She should be pleased!", I say "she did me a favour, so I HAVE to do something in return!". Soraru-san sighs. "Well, good luck, don't blame me if you get hit again", and he hangs up. "YOU!" A voice yells. And I turn around to see the same girl charging at me. I gulp, as she gets closer, running at the speed of light, she does not look happy. 

I run faster, nostrils flaring. I'm gonna kill him. "YOU! DON'T MOVE!" I roar. 

What do I do?! I'll be run over! Quickly thinking, I move to the side. She's too fast to stop, in horror, I watch as she smacks into a tree, I hear a crack, and see a big crack on the tree, wow. I quickly rush over to her, she's unconscious. This is bad, I study the bruise on her head. I should take care of her. I gently pick the girl up, and carry her to my house. 

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