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Please forgive me if I offend anybody with this chapter! I'm not Italian so I had to do some research but if you can inform me of better dishes I'll gladly add them.


After my internal monologue, I sat down at my usual table. Thankfully it was clear. Joe noticed me as he stopped his fight with Cherry and came over.

"Hey Owari, are you just going to sleep? If you want you can head to the back, it's crowded today." Why is he so considerate? Just like-

"Nah, I'm good I want to order this time." Joe nodded as he went to give me a menu. Cherry looked over and smiled lightly. I smiled back knowing that they were busy. He was talking to a man in a suit.

"Here you go, do you want soda or water to start?" Joe set down the menu.

"Hmm, can you make a Red Bull? Cherry flavor hehe. But like don't put whip cream on it." I look up at Joe to see if he could.

(In America they call it an Italian soda, but in stands that they sell it in, it's also called a Red Bull because of the drink inside of it)

"Hmm yeah, no whip, okay ill be back with your drink." I sighed. Ordering something from a friend was awkward.

Hmm, Fagioli al Furno no. Pasta Fagioli al Forno? I'm glad there are pictures I don't speak Italian. I'll pick this one. Looks good.

Fun fact, I bring a pillow in my backpack so I can comfortably fall asleep. At first, Joe didn't talk to me. I was a random emo kid sleeping on his table. Understandable. Then he got reprimanded by Cherry. Cherry was the one to ask me if I needed help. I had woken up from my nap so I was confused at first. I told them no I just liked the place enough to sleep. My face hurt cause it was a tough surface.

I had to convince them both that I was totally fine. From then on I continued to come and sleep. I saw Cherry with Carla their skateboard. I told them I skateboarded too and the next day I bought mine.

They invited me to S I agreed and went with them. I didn't compete in any kind of beefs. I saw them fight and eat together a lot so I felt comfortable with them. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone with them.

"I'm back with your drink would you like to order?" Joe handed me a drink. "Uh yes um don't make fun of me. But uh can I get the Fagioli Al Forno? This one." I pointed at the menu. My face felt hot.

"Ah yes alright ill get started now." He smiled and turned to his kitchen.

Phew. I had mentioned to Joe before that most people didn't want to be friends with me cause of how I dress. I meant it as a joke but it's true. I look a bit intimidating. I had baggy clothes and bangs that I almost couldn't see past. People couldn't see my eyes so when I talked to them they felt awkward. When really, I'm the awkward one.

I'm not experienced with how I should present myself. It's not like anyone taught me to. (Besides my parent's secretaries) The only advice I had was from my friends back home. They looked cool. It was either that or random people on the streets. I had money to take care of myself. But I enjoyed it when others told me things.

Even then I had to do things by myself now. I would have one of my friends accompany me when I ran errands. The city back there was huge and I got lost easily. But now the only ones I had were Joe and Cherry and I don't want to bother them. Sigh.

I drank my drink which was good."Here you go, sir." I rolled my eyes as I looked at my food. "Thank you, Joe."


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