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Finally Owari is getting some screentime!

We left the beach after a few more hours. We all kinda went separate ways. Well me and Joe did. We had our own inn. We dropped off our stuff there.

Reki and his group had another. While Cherry had work. When me and Joe got there it was well... Shabby. It was a small run down place. Cherry on the other hand had the building in front of Reki's which was big and elegant.

Joe opened the door when poor Reki was laying down and he hit his head on the floor. I look down at him. "Is this where the party's at?" Joe asked.

I didn't see Langa in the small room. I made eye contact with Miya who was drinking something and Shadow was in front of a fan. "Wow. It's this bad huh.."

We made our way to Cherry's place. I asked Joe why but he said I'll see. We went in after Joe and Joe entered a room. I almost panicked thinking it was a random stranger's room.

"Ah~ Every meal tastes better with the company of friends, so your welcome."

Miya, Shadow, and Reki enter before me and gasp in amazement. I enter the room and see seven dishes in front of Cherry. Wow!

"Oh for the love of- and you brought the kids!" Cherry said.

Miya and I were looking around the place while Shadow and Reki looked at the food. "Oh wow! It's a full course meal guys!"

"Enjoy! Big bro here got your tab!" Joe snaked his hand around a surprised Cherry. "Why are you doing this!" Cherry whispered yelled. Joe smirked.

"Let's eat!!" We all yelled.


"I think I luv yourh gutz Ms. Manager! Wahh aha haa!" Shadow is kinda drunk right now. Crying and trying to hug Joe.

I was trying to drink, my drink peacefully without laughing. "I don't get the appeal of drinking alcohol.." Miya said while holding his juice. I was sitting next to him.

"It's because you're better than everyone or you- aha!" Reki was trying to sneak a sip of alcohol but was smacked by Cherry's fan.

"Underaged drinking is strictly prohibited." Carla spoke as we looked at it? Her?

"My bad i thought it was water!" Reki lied sheepishly.

"Reki here it is." Langa had come and ate but wanted to show Reki something on his board.

"Oh yeah the shaft's a bit off. I bet your having a hard time keeping your balance."

"Yeah how you know that?"

"Cause that what I do my friend.."

"Wow your amazing!"

"Nah~ I just see it a lot in the shop."

I felt awkward "Umm are you enjoying the trip?" Kill me...

"Hmm yeah." Miya answered.

I guess he doesn't like me much. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so.

"By the way I think today's the day" Miya spoke up.

"The day?" Cherry asked looking at Miya next to him.

"Yeah when it shows up."

"Huh?" "When what shows up? What do you mean?" Langa asked.

"Hah! That's ridiculous!" Reki said.

Are We Even Friends, Miya? {MIYA CHINEN}Where stories live. Discover now