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Happy Birthday special!!
Happy birthday to Izumo Kusanagi!

When is your birthday?

(This will be published early then moved. Please watch the video at, 1:11 so you can see what I'm talking about later on. Just imagine that Anna became king way after his birthday.)

I was so excited! It was soon to be my friend's birthday! He was a close friend from back home. I absolutely had to get him the best gift. I wasn't able to get there because of school. I didn't know exactly what to get him. So I asked Cherry...

And Joe by default.


"Hey Cherry..?" I saw him in Joe's restaurant so I had no choice to ask them both.

"Yes, Owari? What can I do for you." Cherry was holding his fan to get away from Joe.

"Um so I have this friend whose birthday is coming up and I need help buying him a present. I think he's about your age..?" I pondered on that I didn't exactly know how old Cherry and Joe were.

"Didn't you say you didn't have friends?" Joe asked as he leaned on the counter. I had sat next to Cherry when I asked him the question.

"Well, I don't. He's older not my age. I can't hang out with him anymore.. he lives too far- no I moved from where he is." I looked down at my hands. Indeed, I didn't have any friends my age. I tried to make friends with Miya cause he looked cool.

"Tell us more about him then I'll try to help you as best I can. Although I don't have a lot of knowledge picking out gifts." Cherry answered me. I pick my gaze up as I start thinking.

"Well, he's responsible and dresses well. He is also a shop owner like you guys. He wears these glasses always and it makes him look cool! He can be a bit intimidating. " Joe picked up on that.

"Go on, what does he do?" Joe asked, should I tell him?

"Uh heh, he's a bartender.."

"Huh?!" "Why are you hanging out with a bartender Owari, when and where did you meet him?"

Oops, maybe I should've not said anything they're getting all worried. "Don't worry! He's nice he didn't give me anything...well only juice and soda!" I tried to explain. "My other friend also lives with him, actually a lot of my friends hang out there that's how I met him."

"You have more overaged friends?" Joe asked.

"Uh no actually there still teenagers. Some on the verge of a young adult! They don't drink just hang out... I'm not making this better for me am I?" Cherry shook his head.

Joe was surprised, I don't know at what. The fact that I have friends or the fact that they're older. " Alright, are you like in any trouble?"

Uh- I gaped at him. I look at Cherry and he looked at me. "Well, are you?"

"NO! What? Their good people! I promise! They helped me a lot! They...they love me the way I am..." I shut my eyes. My eyesight was getting blurry and I couldn't see through my red-tipped bangs... I breathed in as I opened them again.

"I can't visit any of them because of school so the least I can do is give them a gift and a call. They are busy people." I kept my voice calm. They were busy I couldn't make them leave because they had Anna to take care of.

"Alright, we're sorry we upset you the dumb gorilla was worried," Cherry said closing his fan.

"Hey! I wasn't the only one, stop using me as an excuse!"

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