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I found my true mate. Jesus christ, I found my true mate. I am nervous as all hell for today. I have to confront him. It's always the alpha's job to make the first move, especially with their true mate. I walk into school, at 7:30 this time, and go to my class. I walking and see my two friends nervous as well.

"You as well?" Niall asked, looking like he was going to throw up as well.

"'Me as well' what?" I asked in confusion.

"True mate." Niall stated simply.

"Yep." I sigh.

The three of us waited in anxiety for the other students to arrive, specifically the three that are giving us extreme anxiety. 

Then they walked in. Liam spotted me and gave me a nervous smile, making me relax a little, now knowing that I wasn't the only one nervous between the two of us.

"Liam, right?" I ask, practically sweating.

"Yeah." Liam responded, voice wobbly.

"Since you're my true mate an' all, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" I ask, the words almost getting stuck in my throat as I hear my two friends struggle to do the same.

"Yeah," Liam responded quickly. "I mean-- yeah."

"Really?" I ask, for some reason expecting a no from the beautiful omega in front of him.

"You're my true mate, right?" Liam pointed out.

"Right." I say with a shit eating grin on my face.

"When will this date be?" Liam asked, sounding more confident.

"How about Friday?" I suggest. "Are you free after school?"

"Friday sounds great." Liam smiles. "I think I'm free, I just have to ask my parents if I am."

The two of us sit down in our seats next to each other, and by the looks of it, the other two couples worked out as well, of course, and the six of us have dates, all probably on Friday.


It was Friday and I tried to look the best I could throughout the day. The omega and beta girls seemed to notice my obvious want to keep up my looks, more of them seeming to throw themselves at me at every chance they could.

It was finally the end of the day, and I saw that Liam was waiting for me at the schools exit. I smiled. Throughout the day, I kept thinking that he would ditch me, but I was happy to find that he didn't.

We walk over to my car, quietly, and I open and close the car door for him like a gentleman.

God I was nervous. My hands were all sweaty and stuff. By the way he smelt, I could tell that Liam was nervous and panicked. He was probably panicked that I could smell him being nervous.

We arrive at where I was taking him. The movie theater. I know it's cliché and all, but I panicked and this was the simplest date place to set up.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask, and he picks Godzilla v. King Kong. I buy the tickets, popcorn and the drink before entering the right screening room.

The movie was great, but felt like it was missing a few key pieces to make the movie hole.

He gives me directions to his house and I drive. When we get there, I walk him up to his door, but I don't kiss him. I wanna take this at a normal pace, no rushing.

We wish each other goodnight before I leave and go home just to flop on my bed with a big smile on my face. I watched him for a lot of the movie, and he looked so perfect with the glow of the TV screen on him.

I am so happy that he I my true mate, even if I had only just met him.

Sorry for the long wait, I have been really busy with some things and I spent my free time mostly on other things, but I am back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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