True Mate

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Liam Pov

I looked back down at my schedule to see the room number for English, then I headed in that direction. The other two omegas with me followed me. Maybe they had English first block as well. I was correct making that assumption because they followed me to my English room. We all gave each other a look before opening the door and walking in. When I opened the door, the best smell I have ever smelt had wafted into my nose. The smell was of flowers and mint. I never thought that those two smells would be good together, but they are. They really are.

"Class," Mrs. Hemmings (the English teacher) announced. "These three Omegas are new here. Please introduce yourselves to the class."

"'M Harry Styles." Harry said.

"Shawn Mendes." The one with dark hair announced

"Liam Payne." I answered in a small voice.

She directed the three of us to the back of the classroom, where there were three empty seats that were next to three alphas, as well as a few omegas and betas. We walk to the back, and the floral/mint smell grew stronger with each step. When I sat in my chosen seat I discovered that the alpha that I had chosen to sit next to was the source of the heavenly smell.

He was a sight for sore eyes. He had striking features, tan skin, raven hair, and honey for eyes. It was at this moment I realized we were staring at each other, so I blushed and looked away.

To have such a handsome and good smelling alpha look at me was an honor and kind of a surprise. I was nothing special to look at. Just plain brown eyes, and some overly fluffy curls. I was a bit tubby. Maybe he was staring at me because I was funny to look at. But none of the other students were doing that. The other two alphas were staring at Harry and Shawn respectively. A more likely excuse was that they had never seen male omegas before and where just ogling us because of that very reason. 

I did my best Mrs. Hemmings was saying, but the smell from the boy sitting next to me was too distracting. This hasn't ever happened to me before, I've never been distracted by an alphas scent before. Sure, some smelled nice, but none smelled so good that it was distracted. 

The day went on and I had all of my classes with the amazing smelling alpha and some classes with the other two male omegas. The alpha and I didn't talk, but Harry, Shawn, and I did. We became friends and we exchanged phone numbers. When it was time to leave, I got in my car an left.

"Hey mom." I say as I enter the house. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure hun." She responded from the couch.

"What does it mean when you smell an alpha so good that it distracts you?" I ask her.

"You found your true mate." She said with awe.

"My what?" I confusedly asked.

"Everyone has a true mate, like your father and I," She explains. "True mates are supposedly the perfect match for each other."

"I need a moment to process this." I say and go up to my room.

This was a lot to take in. I didn't even even know that true mates existed till today. I then pulled out my phone and started a group chat with Harry and Shawn. 

me: hey, do you think true mates exist.

It takes a few minutes for one of them to respond.

Shawn: not 'til today

Harry: I've always believed in them, especially today

Me: who are your true mates?

Harry: the one I sat next to in English

Shawn: mine too.

Me: what a coincidence 

The three of us texted until each of us had to go to dinner. After dinner, I go back up to my room to do my work and go to bed. The fact that I found someone that I didn't know could affect me this way today stressed me out, so sleep was easy.

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