New Smells

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(By the way the month in this book is currently October)


It was Monday and I was not in the mood to go to school, but because I was the Head Alpha's son, I had to create an image for my family and myself. So there I am, at school, at 6:30 in the morning, which was two hours before school. I am very tired because I was up till two am doing procrastinated homework, then I had to wake up less than three hours later so that I can get to school on time. I another reason that I hate getting to school on time is that my friends get there an hour later, so I'm just sitting in my first block alone, waiting. 

In that hour all by my self, I do shit on my phone. I go through all of my social media, and I will occasionally text my friends to see if they have left their houses yet. I was currently on Instagram looking through everything, when I noticed that someone had DM'd me. I click on the notification and saw that who it was was a relatively pretty omega named Perrie Edwards. I knew that she had a crush on me, so I had a vague idea what she sent me. And I was right.


be my alpha and ill be your omega


sorry perrie, I don't like you like that


we can be friends though


oh. okay then

I can practically hear her disappointment as a read the las message. I looked at the time. It was 7:25 am. My friends would be here soon. I swipe out of Instagram and went to messages to text my friends. He taps onto their group chat and began texting.

the three assholes 


where are u guys. 


im on my way to first block, your highness


I just parked. will be there soon


ok. hurry I have something I want to tell you

sent at 7:30 am

I watched the door and waited for my friends to walk into the door. About seven minutes later, both of his friends were sitting in their spots in the seat in front of and beside him.

"So, your highness, what did you want to tell us?" Louis asked me. 

"Y'know Perrie Edwards?" I started

"The omega that has a huge ass crush on you, yeah." Answered Niall.

"Well, she DM'd me to ask me out."

"Well?" my friends asked simultaneously.

"I denied her." I answered. "I know that I need to find an omega to possibly be the next Luna, but I want it to be with someone I actually have feelings for."

"I get it, but your dad has been on your ass about finding an omega." Louis pointed out. "And I'm positive that he already knows about you turning down another omega."

"Did you guys hear about the three new teen omega's that joined our pack?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, my dad let them in, remember?" I pointed out. I actually wasn't there when it happened and by the time I got to my house, it was the next day, so I don't know what they look or smell like.

"Well, maybe one of them could be the one you are looking for, y'know. The omega of your dreams." Niall said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Fuck off." I tell him.

We talk about other things until it was time for first block to start. In class, there were three seats empty in the class, which reminds me of the three new omegas. One empty seat on the other side of me, one empty seat in front of that next to Niall, and the third one next to Louis. Again, it was weird that the empty seats were next to my friends and I. 

Just as our first class, English, began, the door opened, which let in three new smells. One of the three new smells was a heavenly smell. It smelled of vanilla and cherries. The omegas that walked in were not what he expected. Three MALE omegas walked into class. Now, male omegas where very rare, and the fact that the three new omegas at the school where male was... what are the chances. 

"Class," Mrs. Hemmings (the mother of beta Luke) announced. "These three Omegas are new here. Please introduce yourselves to the class."

"'M Harry Styles." The one with curly brown hair said.

"Shawn Mendes." The one with dark hair announced

"Liam Payne." The one with fluffy hair meekly said. 

I could tell that the one with the fluffy hair, Liam, was the source of that heavenly smell. Mrs. Hemmings instructed the omegas to sit with me and my friends. At that moment, I became self conscious of my smell and appearance. I looked at Niall and Louis, who from what I could tell, where drooling over the other two omegas to notice my panic, which I was relieved of. Shawn sat next to Niall, Harry sat next to Louis, and to my luck, Liam sat next to me. He looked at me shyly, which I noticed, so I gave him a smile. He blushed as he smiled back, then looked away to the front to listen to the lesson.

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