new pack, new life

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Liam's POV

After I turned seventeen I finally presented. Everyone I knew for as long a I can remember were excited to find out if I were to be an Alpha or Beta. Everyones faces dropped when they smelled the familiar scent of an unmarked Omega. It was rare for a male to present as an Omega, but it still could happen, and not every pack excepted the idea of one being in their pack. 

Soon after finding out what I had presented, the Head Alpha told my family and I to pack up and leave. He told us that he couldn't have a male Omega influencing the pups education, so the Payne family had to find a new pack to protect the four Omegas and Beta.

I felt bad. It was my fault that we had to leave this pack and go find an accepting one. For awhile we were rogues. Meeting with the Head Alphas of each pack we came across to see if they accepted a family with a son who was an Omega. All of them either said no, or said accepted them into the pack as long as I was left behind. Of course my family didn't accept their offers and kept looking for an accepting pack.

We finally found an accepting pack and began moving in that day. The packs name was the Ko'k Oy pack. It was a pack which was slowly climbing up to be one of the most powerful packs in the world. I was happy to finally be accepted by other wolves than my family, but still felt guilty for getting them kicked out of our last pack.

What scared me the most about being who I am here was because I was a male Omega, a rarity, which means I am most certainly the only male Omega here. Even at my new home in the pack, I could smell how many Alphas that were near me, and it terrified me mainly because they could smell me back. Each Omega has their own specific scent and as a male Omega, I smell sweeter than female Omegas because of how rare male Omegas are.

I am also nervous about my senior year of high school, which will be spent here. What if nobody liked me? What if I get jumped? What if my jumper marked me without my consent? All of these questions and more flooded my head as my breathing began to quicken. I laid in the fetal position in the middle of my nest as I tried to slow down my breathing and block out the anxiety inducing thoughts. 

After a few minutes I finally calm myself down. Being tired from unpacking, making my nest, and my minor panic attack, I fell immediately asleep, too tired to change into my pajamas. My sleep was plagued with nightmares of my days to come in the Ko'k Oy pack and its high school.

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