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"Are you going to the party tonight?" Donny asked me as he was laying on his back on the bed tossing his basketball in his hands.

"Nah ima just stay in." I told him turning around to look at him. He was shirtless, he barely wore shirts in the room, not that i'm complaining because he had a decent body and some nice ass tattoos. Both of his arms were filled with tattoos, he even got one on his neck and Donny knew how to pull it off. He also had on black basketball shorts that hung low causing me to see his ethika underwear. I quickly turn my head in embarrassment because how long I felt I was staring.

"What about you? You going?" I asked tryna get the conversation going.

"I don't know man, I might have to just to get my mind off of Robyn cause she tripping again." Ugh i'm so tired of hearing about this girl, she's one of the toxic people i've ever encountered. She lowkey makes Donny's life a living hell but for some reason he still won't leave her alone.

"What happened now?" I asked not really wanting to know what happened but I talk to him about because I feel like he needs somebody to talk to about it.

"So I texted her and told her I was taking a nap, which I did, and she texted me saying alright and she love me so I told her I love her too and next thing I know I woke up single." I would've laughed at his response but it was only funny the first two times he told me, I then lost count now.

"Well maybe she just going through something right now or maybe she really didn't want you to fall asleep it was a test to see if you was going to fall asleep and you failed." At this point I was just saying shit and that was my problem. As much as I despised Robyn and their relationship I was always trying to help them fix it. Even though Robyn doesn't really like me because after I told Donny I was gay she said I've gotten too close to him.

I came out to Donny in our freshman year of high school and it was one the hardest things ever just as hard as telling my parents, only because he was the reason I realized it even though he still doesn't know that. I've had a crush on him since seventh grade and when I told him about me being gay he immediately accepted me although I didn't tell him he was the reason I realized it and that I had a crush on him simply because I didn't want to push my luck. He started dating Robyn a week after I told him and when she found out I was gay she started to act different.

Before Donny could respond it was a knock at the door. I got up from the chair I was sitting in and went to open it. It was my friend Amour and her stepbrother Kendrick, who've i've grown close with.

"Ew why are y'all here. Do y'all even have y'all own dorm because ya always in our shit." Donny said jokingly although I could tell he was kind of serious. The three of them are always arguing with each other, not for real even though it get like that sometimes and I have to break them up.

"If bitter ain't the word then I don't know what is." Amour said shaking her head.

"He just mad because don't nobody come to see him." Kendrick added on. Him and Amour made their way over to the two beanbag chairs that was sitting against the wall.

"Not mad nor bitter." He laughed to himself as he got out the bed and made his way over to the dresser and put on a shirt and some joggers grabbed his room key and made it way to the door.

"Where you going?" I asked before he could leave out the door.

"Finna go meet up with Monte, why you need something?" Lamonte or Monte as most people call him is the only other person Donny hangs out with besides me. They became friends after playing on the basketball team together in high school.

"No i'm okay, I was just asking." I said and with that he walked out of the door.

"Well excuse the hell out of me, you have to know where he go?" Kendrick asked tryna start shit.

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