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I haven't really talked to Donny since he walked out four days ago and I've been trying to talk to him or make small talk but he'll just reply with one word. I don't know what I did wrong to be honest, we were just fine, I'm thinking it was whoever he talked to on the phone that day but when I ask him about it he'll just brush it off so I thought maybe he didn't want to talk about it at the moment , it was almost like he was avoiding me.

I was in the student center sitting across Amour telling her the story about Donny avoiding me, and only that part.

"I don't get why he would avoid you. Do you think it's his father?" Amour suggested after listening to me rant. I never thought about that, even though Donny doesn't really talk to father, and if he did it was very rare but his dad is homophobic, he didn't want me and Donny being friends when we were younger because of my sexuality but neither Donny or his mother was having it.

"I don't think so, he would've been more upset if it was him, like angry. But he wasn't. He was...calm."

"Well maybe it was Robyn. You know she be saying some fucked up shit to him." She said taking a sip from her cup.

"I guess that could be the case. Still weird tho." I didn't want want to talk about it anymore cause it was making my head hurt.


When I came back to the dorm it was empty like I knew it was going to be. He's been coming to the dorm extra late and not say a thing to me at all we'll just sit in silence and if I'm sleep he won't even try to be quiet when he comes in. It's like hes purposely being a asshole.

I decided to text Kendrick to see what he was doing because I didn't want to be in this room by myself and because I needed to talk to him about something.

wyd rn

ken dog
nothin chillin in my dorm why wassup

can i come over

ken dog

As soon as he said that I decided to put on something more comfortable. I grabbed my charger and my keys and walked over to his hall.

About ten minutes later, I made it to his hall, after he let me in we went up to his dorm room. He offered me a water before sitting in the chair right by his bed and I take a sit on his bed.

"You okay? You want to talk about something?" He said leaning forward in the chair.

I hesitated before I answered. "Do Lamonte ever get into these moods like he'll just stop talking to you out of nowhere, like you guys didn't get into an argument and everything was good but he just stopped talking to you." Although him and Lamonte don't have an official title everybody knows that there's something going on between them.

"No not really unless we got into an argument or he's just in one of his moods." It seem like he was about to say something but then stopped himself.

"This about Donny isn't it." He continued and I looked at him confused because I feel like if I would lied it would've made the situation more obvious.

"Don't make that face, I mean it's obvious that y'all got something going on even tho y'all try to hide it, which, y'all are horrible at." I scoffed at him, I mean even though it was true he still don't say it to me.

"First of all, I know you not talking because you and Lamonte is just as bad us at hiding whatever y'all are, if not worse!" I raised my voice a bit because I was getting defensive because what he said irritated me for some reason although I knew it was the truth.

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