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"I still think he's weird for that. As his best friend he shouldn't have ignored you for a week , if anything the first thing he should've done was tell you." I Just got done telling Amour about what happened last night. I spent the rest of the night with Donny, he wouldn't let me go nowhere anyways, I had to wait til he was asleep to get into my own bed.

Now I'm sitting here at the student center getting yelled at by a pissed off Amour because she don't like the fact that I forgave him so quickly. Technically speaking I didn't forgive him but he just got some crazy ass news, I couldn't just leave him there.

"Anyways can we stop talking about it, it's giving me a headache." She looked at me like she still had more to say but she rolled her eyes instead, taking a sip from her drink. I don't know whether to forgive him or not but I always fold when he gets to showing me affection or being all clingy, which, he only does when we're by ourselves. He's careful about what he does in front of certain people.

"Look, all I'm saying is-" Amour stopped talking once we heard a loud group of people walk into the student center, damn neat everybody turned they heads in the direction of the noise to see it was Donny and a few of his basketball teammates and some girls was with them also, I'm guessing they're on the cheer team. I don't know why but my heart started to beat faster the closer he got to us, I was nervous to see him for some reason.

"Speaking of the damn devil." Amour rolled her eyes once again looking down at the book she had laying on the table. I pretend to do the same, as if I was studying, and the noise grew louder as they got closer.

The group stopped at our table which made both me and Amour look up, Amour quickly looked back down at her book seeming uninterested but, I examined the group.

He was standing with three of his basketball teammates including Monte, they all looked like they came back from practicing, but what stood out to me was a girl latching on to Donny's arm. She looked as if she just came back from practice too, cheer team maybe. She was so...close, she was whispering something in his ear and whatever she was saying he was smirking to it.

It was making me angry, I hate how quickly dudes can move on and just instantly become a rat, and I guess you can see it on my face that I was angry cause Amour loudly cleared her throat and made a face at me so I just looked down in my book.

Donny grabbed a chair from a table nearby and pulled it next to me and the girl that was by him immediately made her way on his lap as soon as he sat down. I tried my best not to look his way but it's like i can feel him staring at me. I heard more chairs being pulled up to the table by his teammates.

They started talking amongst themselves and just like that our quiet studying turned into a bunch of people talking a bunch of bs. Amour suddenly stands up from her chair. "Well since our quiet evening of study was rudely interrupted, I'm going to go back to my dorm where it's actually quiet. You coming?" She adverted her attention to me but I shook my head. I can tell she wanted to say something but she just nodded and told me to let her know when I make it to my dorm. I don't know why I chose to stay seeing as though it'll be harder to study with Donny and his minion right here. I could feel Donny looking at me again and I look up from my book and turned to him and say something but that's sitting on his lap beat me to it.

She grabbed his chin and turned his face to where he was no longer looking at me but now at her. I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him.

Growing girls always tried to get with Donny but he'll just have sex with them and call it a night. Then they'll go out sad, crying and complaining just to hook up with him again. The only girl Donny actually settled down with was Robyn and we all know how toxic they are they've been in and off and every time they 'take a break' Donny finds another girl to hook up with just to get back to Robyn but they both cheated on each other basically. Well at least Donny would wait til they was on a break and as for Robyn she was probably tricking while they was in a relationship.

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