Chapter 2

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"So sorry for that inconvenience guys, you alright though? We have been having a lot of difficulties today and we really should get it looked at." The slightly overweight man says whilst examining the train, seemingly looking for any visual issues.

"No it really wasn't an-" Perseus pauses then glances over at me, smiling then his piercing brown eyes shoot back toward the officer.

"It uh wasn't an Inconvenience sir, we are fine thankyou."

I can see the sweat drip down from his neck from overworking me, his fingers still wet with my cum rest straight on his side.

"Glad this only held back you two, would have been a bigger deal if there was a whole crowd here right?" The man scoffs then quickly types a message on his phone, then places it in his jacket pocket before continuing.

"I guess that's just how it is, it's never quite busy here this late at night." The officer clasps his hands together then politely asks: "Oh is this your stop by the way? If not I can have you guys back on track in just a sec." His tone goes up for a minute, and he giggles whilst he stares at his phone, playing with his sharp, silver keys in his other hand.

"It is actually thank you, we will uh be on our way now sir." I nudge my body close to Perseus, our arms touch, my head below his shoulder. He nods his head toward the officer then looks down back at me, putting his left arm around my shoulder and guides me up the escalator.

As he holds me, he notices me holding my stomach and questions me.

"Oh nothing I'm just- I haven't eaten in awhile so I'm uh quite hungry. But I'm fine really, let's just get to yours alright."

"Hey we can get something to eat okay, I'm actually quite hungry, I uh snuck out to go on a date and well I got stood up so I never ate anything as well." He says with red cheeks, his eyes looking down in embarrassment.

"Who in the world stood YOU up?! They must be crazy, but if it's not an inconvenience yes I'd love some food." My stomach growls and I crave something sweet, but honestly anything would be ideal as of right now.

"Haha well at least the night didn't go to waste right? Now how does ice cream sound?" He reads my mind and I follow him down a street, the rusted lamp posts stand tall scattered around, glaring in the puddles reflection. A bright neon pink sign hangs over the edge of a small building, the ripped and discoloured awning hangs directly below. I accidently step in a puddle, causing it to leak into my worn out shoes, Perseus notices my shivering, hovering his trench coat on me by placing it over my shoulders and it hangs low toward the ground.

As Perseus holds the door open for me, a gust of wind blows my pleated skirt up for a second, gaining the attention of two middle aged males smoking outside the shop.

"Woah there you looking fine girl!" The first man says excitedly, looking me up and down.

"Would you let me ride that ass girl shit." The other guy follows, snacking my ass, burning me for a split second.

"Hey!" Perseus pauses for a second, his head up high then continues: "Get your hands off my girl. Fuck off!" Perseus' voice gets deeper and he takes a step closer toward these men, being what looks to be double their height, the men toss their cigarette before scattering back to the street.

"I'm sorry are you alright?" His tone changes and he seems now concerned.

"Yeah no I'm fine thankyou." Although I didn't enjoy the attention these creepy men gave me the way he stood up to them turned me on. Remembering we are just getting food, I hold his hand as he reads off the menu to me, convincing me to get the caramel chocolate flavour.

Perseus checks outside quickly for the men before opening the door and guiding me down the street to an extremely large apartment building.

"Okay so my parents aren't going to be home for another hour but let's not waste any time okay come on." He grabs my hand tightly pulling me into the building and once we reach the elevator he punches the floor five key and claps his hands in his lap as he stands tall beside me. The apartment seems clean by the looks of it, the floors smelling fresh of bleach and the main lobby has a modern esc aesthetic charm to it. Judging by his clothing choice and apartment I can assume his parents make a good amount of money but preferred an apartment for an unknown reason.

The elevator beeps and the doors open smoothly, revealing a narrow, well decorated hallway. The white walls pair nicely with the green vines that hang parallel on the sides of the walls. Following him, I push up against him and he puts his arm over my shoulder tugging me in closer.

I quickly finish the last bite of ice cream and drop my spoon in the bowl, holding it in my hand to put away for later.

Using his gold keys which have been taken out of his back pocket, Perseus pushes it into the metal door knob, turning it clockwise, making a clicking sound and springing open the door.

After hearing his phone buzz and seeing the panic in his eyes, Perseus grabs my shoulders pushing me into his room before I even have time to speak.

"Shit my parents are home early just um go hide okay?" He quickly shuffles his slightly stained shoes off, throwing his keys on his bed then quickly sprinting to the kitchen.

I close the bedroom door and put my ear against the door, anticipating his parents arrival. I hop on his comfortable bed, placing the dirty ice cream bowl on his night stand before examining his room. My knee hangs over his bed fitted with a hounds tooth pattern, black and white decoration pillows are placed directly below the light grey headboard. His closet is set up beside his desk, where a large monitor rests, beside it sits a PC which glows blue. His window looks out to the city view, the night lights are scattered amongst the dark sky, twinkling in the distance.

After impatiently waiting a few minutes, I hear the front door open wide and in an attempt to hear their conversation, I open the door ever so slightly, to just see his parents standing in the kitchen.

His fathers hair is tinted grey, and is slicked back, a few hairs rest astray in front of his face. His suit appears newly ironed, but used as I can see a slight discoloration in the fabric on his right elbow. My eyes trail off to his mother, who's lengthy body lies inside a navy blue dress, her long blonde hair resting on her shoulders. Perseus laughs, placing his hand on his mothers shoulder for a brief second, before returning them to his side.

"So what did you do while we were gone huh, did you throw a party?" His mother says in a joking tone, whilst she plugs her phone into the wall, not untangling the knot that is clearly there.

"No mom, unfortunately, so ugh how was dinner?" I sigh, just watching Perseus as he interacts with his family. His perfect looks, apartment, family, I don't like to be jealous but I admit to be as of now.

"And dad, I'm thinking of working soon, maybe for the police." Perseus says in an almost forced happy tone, I can sense some clear tension between the two.

"Well if you were smart you would have done that ages ago like we asked but you know just get to it and do something to make me proud for once."

I can tell he wants to say something to his father, but he stands there in humiliation, being hesitant.

"Come on don't be so hard on him, we can talk about that another day sweetheart alright." His mother comforts him as his dad scoffs then quickly goes to his bedroom, his mom following shortly after.

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