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It's been about 3 months after the car crash Naruto can walk with crutches but he continues to go to rehab so he can improve on his legs so he can walk freely again.

Naruto's right arm had never healed fully so he has to wrap his arm in bandages for extra support on flexing his fingers and wrist.

Naruto continued to date Hinata. She also decided to help him and stay with him while he was going through rehab. Naruto enjoyed the company and especially when she brought one of his friends so they could talk about guy stuff.

Naruto continues to work hard no matter what anyone says. Dr.Tsunade said it would be a miracle if he did walk again and here he was proving it wasn't a miracle just belife and confidence.

Naruto worked harder than ever for the entire month. He got 2 weeks off but he went out side and tried waliking across the bridge with the assistance of the rail. He thought he could walk so he let go and fell in the middle of the bridge and couldn't get back up. It was about 10 minutes until someone found him there.

They brought him back to his room. Naruto felt pain in his back and legs. Although Naruto was sad that no one could be with him he understood that they were all going to school. He had his teachers assign him work and email it to him.

The coming weeks he worked on stability in his feet and upper legs he learned to be able to walk slowly without the crutches but it would take around another month for him to be able to walk fully maybe not even run. Every now and then lee would come in and encourage Naruto to try his hardest and to give it his all.

Every now and then Naruto would get flashbacks of the car in the air. He would wake up from nightmares replaying that moment. Over and over and over again.

But he vowed to never forget what his brother, girlfriend, and best friends did for him while he was still hospitalized and going through rehab. He promised he would apologize to mr.Hyuga

It took Naruto about another month to walk fully without crutches which is all he ever wanted "thank you so much I don't need to run but as long as I can walk I will forever be in your favor" he says to his nurses. Naruto is let out of the hospital as him, his girlfriend, brother, and brother girlfriend walk to the car Naruto with his arm around Hinata and hers around his waist. He still need some assistance as his arm hasn't healed yet which he thinks is wired because he usually heals from injury's fast

Naruto opens the door for Hinata and TenTen they get in the back and Naruto gets in the passenger seat up front. Lee starts the car and they drive home. Going down the highway Naruto notices the spot were he had wrecked he looked at it as they passed with a sad expression on his face.

As they pull up to the drive way Naruto reaches out the window to put the gate code in. Lee puts the car in park and they walk into the house a big "welcome home" banner was plastered across the living room everyone was there. They all had cake and talked for a bit until.

Lee led Naruto outside to see his car refurbished and wrapped in a deep sea metallic blue. He handed Naruto his Keys "now don't go out all angry on us again"lee said jokingly.

It wasn't until 7 more months of rehab and therapy that Naruto could run again and his arm was fully healed. It was a week before Naruto's birthday. And he had been getting ready to go out to the movies with Hinata.

As Naruto got dressed he thought of every way she made him happy. Her beautiful purple hair, her amazing lavender eyes, her gorgeous smile, I love everything about her. He thought to himself as he blushed and smiled in silence.

As Naruto got into his car he put his hands on the wheel and pressed the button to start the car he felt the vibration led by a roar of the engine. He immediately felt flashbacks of that day when he crashed. He couldn't forget it.

Naruto tried to forget about it as he rolled out of the driveway and went down to Hinata's house.He parked outside and knocked on the door Mr.Hyuga answered "hi mr.Hyuga how are you?" Naruto asked with a smile on his face. "I'm good how is your arm Naruto?" Mr. Hyuga says "It's fine all healed up" the boy says scratching his scalp.

"Is Hinata ready?" The boy asks "not yet she'll be down In a few if you would like to come in." The man says with a slight smile. Naruto walks in the door and remembers the last time he was in that house.

"Look Mr.Hyuga I'm sorry for lashing out on you I shouldn't have said those things and I m sorry for that." Naruto says " no it's my fault I was the one who instigated you and had said horrible things about your parents and for that I should say I'm sorry and I respect you for standing up for your parents." The man says with a frown on his face.

Hinata comes out of her room and yells "I'm ready" Naruto gives her dad a firm hand shake and says "goodbye mr.Hyuga." He says "goodbye dad." Hinata says to her dad. Naruto puts his arm around her as they walk out the door.

Naruto and Hinata arrived at the movies when they got out they put on their hoodies because it was quite chilly out that night. As they enter the movies they look at the snack bar and Hinata decides to get a coke.

Naruto pays for her drink and they continue on to their movie.

The girl I didn't know I needed - a naruhina fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now