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Hidden truths are unspoken lies.

"C-come in" Jiminie and tae-tae. Hobi said after his initial moments of shock. He wasn't sure how to react. He missed them dearly but to see them like this was a huge surprise. "We missed you hobi hyung" Tae said before enveloping the elder in a tight hug- Jimin soon joined as all three of them spilled a few tears together. "Anyways" the elder wiping his tears "Welcome to my humble abode Make yourselves at home." "You guys know each ot-" Yoongi stopped mid sentence as his eyes raked over Jimin's frame. Because woah.

"Here's the beer everybody" Jungkook interrupted placing multiple bottles of beer, vodka, whiskey and other toxic drinks on the table. "Hey Taehyung come with me to the rooftop once. I want to talk to you" Jungkook blushed as his hyungs cheered him.

"Woah. The view's amazing up here" Tae said as he felt cool breeze caress his soft flushed cheeks- no doubt due to the duo's closeness, as they stood side by side holding hands.

The younger took a deep breath before turning to face the other.

"Taehyung the last few weeks that I've spent with you of have been the best few of my life. I was so caught up in my duties that I barely gave myself time to do anything else. You are the remedy I needed tae-tae. The only time I'm happy or carefree is when I'm with you. When I can be myself. With yous simply standing next to me I feel loved, cared and cherished for. Give me a chance to prove my love for you taehyungie. I promise to fight for your love you till my last breath. Be my remedy?"

By the last few sentences Jungkook had got down on one knee holding a delicate ring placed in a rectangular velvet box. And tae? Poor baby had his jaw dropped to floor, body frozen like ice. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you felt any different. Guess I'll just-" he was interrupted by his Taehyung grabbing the younger and pressing his lips against the others. "Do you really love me?" he elder breathed.

"Every little thing tae-tae. The way you like to cuddle someone when you sleep. The way you fake cry sometimes to get what yo want like a brat. The way you look so fucking cute when you pout while sulking. The way your nose scrunches cutely when you're mad or the way you love to watch cartoons and Disney movies. The way you like strawberry flavoured things but not strawberries itself. The way you think scar is hotter than Simba's dad or that you like bad boys. I think I know pretty much everything about you and I love what I know and everything that I still don't. I'll love you forever and always baby" "I-..OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU TOO" taehyung screamed as jungkook laughed and slid the ring on his finger. "Look inside baby" the younger pointed at the ring.

Jungkook∞taehyung was engraved in the centre making tae's heart swell.

"I-...isn't that costly?" "I am willing spend my entire bank account on you baby. Besides I'm rich" the maknae wiggled his eyebrows.

"Make me yours" the elder breathed before crashing his lips against the other again, this time more heated and rough making the world freeze around them. The elders body igniting in flames as Jungkook took control. A whimper escaped him as the younger squeezed his wrists tight enough to leave bruises.Tongues lapping and teeth digging into flesh as Jungkook roughly placed marks on the others delicate skin mingled with heavy breathing and pants.

"Are you sure you wanna go further baby boy?" The maknae gulped as he separated from the intimate make-out session.

Maybe it was the pet name or maybe it was the way he asked for consent before going further or maybe the lust that was igniting around them, whatever it was Taehyung nodded "Your place"

"Hyung you're telling me that all that innocence and stuff was just an act? You simply lied to us about the real you and stood as a silent spectator when we were bullied." "Uhm I actually punched anyone who bullied you two the next day. Ever wondered why no one bullied you after a week of me joining school?? Anyways Jimin I said I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I cant say much more. Like I said my parents sent me there as a form of punishment when they found out...that I am gay okay? I had no choice but to be good."

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