Tony x Reader : Party night

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You walk into the compound general area, where Tony always has his parties. Looking around you chuckle. Steve was slightly rosey chatting with Nat. He was drunk and failing to flirt. Bruce was hiding in the corner, he wasn't much for a party person. Wanda was talking to Strange about magic stuff. Bucky was talking to Thor. Loki was nowhere to be found, most likely in the library. Peter was home studying, it was a school night after all. Clint was trying to pick pocket the drunk Steve and earning glares from Nat. He was drunk too so he didn't care. 

Walking down the steps suddenly aware that all eye turned to you. You had arrived a little later than intended after fussing over your hair and outfit. You hoped it would be enough to please the only man that you cared about. And he wasn't even paying attention. Some little brunet had his attention. Typical. 

(This is what you are wearing)

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(This is what you are wearing)

Walking over to the bar you sighed and ordered a drink. After you get it you watch Nat playfully bat away drunk Steve's advances. Watching them you don't notice that someone has turned their attention to you. Suddenly you feel a cool soft breath on the back of your neck accompanied with a voice that sent chills up your back.

"Now I did not expect you to wear something like that to this." The voice said as you turned to see who it belonged to. Looking up into the big brown eyes of Tony Stark. You smiled tauntingly at him. "Well what else am I supposed to wear? Everything else I own is far less appealing for an event like this." He looks you up and down and you can see the want in his eyes. 

Nat walks over and puts an arm on your shoulder. "Tony all of your guests are leaving. Seems its getting too late for them. We should play a game of truth or dare." He has a hard time pulling his gaze away from you to look at Nat. "That sounds like a wonderful idea." He turns and walks away going to gather the rest of the team.  Nat looks at you and smiles knowingly. "He was totally mentally undressing you." She giggled and pulled Steve over to the couches that everyone else was gathering on. 

After everyone had sat down Nat smiled and looked at you again. "y/n. Truth or dare?" She asked watching you as you thought about it. "Truth." You said glaring at her knowing she didn't want that answer. She thought for a minuet then said "Have you ever broken the law?" everyone looked at you. Normally such a quiet reserved girl that wore longer sleeves and clothes that covered you. Nothing like you had on tonight. Blushing you nodded and everyone gasped. "What? What did you do?" Nat asked. Shaking your head "Only one question per turn." You giggled Huffing she leaned back. A few more people went and then it was Tony's turn. "Tony. Truth or dare?" Wanda asked side glancing at you. You knew that she had read your mind about liking Tony. You just hopped she didn't embarrass you for it. 

Tony looked up from fiddling with something in his lap. You couldn't see what it was from your angle. "Dare." He said and waited for her response. Thinking for a moment before continuing, "I dare you to kiss the prettiest person here." Wanda said and smiled looking pleased with herself. Tony glanced around at the others and you felt your heart drop because he didn't look at you. You started to turn your head to look away and save your feelings when you heard footsteps coming towards you. Without fully knowing what was going on you felt your chin being pulled up and a pair of soft but firm lips press against yours. 

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