Steve x reader : Beach day

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You walk down to the main entrance of the compound. Everyone was there ready to go. Today you had decided that everyone needed a break. Nat had volunteered the idea of a beach day. 

Smiling you set your bag down and looked at Nat. "This was a wonderful idea. I really think everyone will have fun." She laughed and looked over to Steve who was trying to fit all of the bags in the three cars that you all were taking. 

You followed her gaze and blushed. Steve had on a pair of red, white, and blue swim shorts with a white tank top that showed off his arms. Nat nudged you and said. "You should go help him. He looks quite frustrated." You rolled your eyes at her and walked towards him. 

It had definitely been a mistake to tell her and Wanda that you had a crush on him. They had teased you non stop for the last week about it. You lifted a bag off of the ground and slid it into a space in the trunk that was open. "Need some help there super soldier?" You said smiling.

"Is it that obvious that I'm struggling?" He asked and laughed slightly. You shook your head and took a bag from him and fit it in the trunk perfectly. "I think you just need a little more practice with it. It's definitely an acquired skill." You closed the trunk and giggled. 

Once the bags were all loaded everyone loaded themselves up. Tony was driving the first car. Pepper, Sam, and Bruce were riding with him. Nat was driving the second car with Wanda, Vision, and Thor with her. Steve was driving the third car with You ,Bucky, and Clint riding with him. 

Tony's car lead the way to the beach in his car. Nat followed him and Steve followed her. Once you all got to the beach everyone got out and grabbed a bag from the trunks. laughing and chatting you all made it to the beach. 

It was a little quiet spot that Tony had bought a few years back. He was very proud of his little 'slice of heaven' as he called it. You set down your bag and started to unpack. Laying out your beach blanket you sat down watching Wanda and Vision play in the water. Tony and Pepper were wading in the water looking at sea shells. 

You smiled looking around watching your friends you smiled. The Avengers really needed a day off. Lost in thought you didn't hear someone come up next to you until their shadow blocked the sun. "Is this spot taken?" A voice asked gently. Looking up you saw Steve smiling down at you. "It is now." You said and gestured to the open space next to you on the blanket. 

He sat down next to you and looked you up and down. "You look really nice." He said as his eyes returned to your face. Blushing you looked away from him. "I don't get to go out like this that much. I'm glad that we all got to go." You turned your head back to him. 

(This is what your wearing)

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(This is what your wearing)

You and Steve talk for a while about all sorts of things, glancing once and a while over at the rest of the group that are enjoying themselves. After one of your glances over at the group you turn back to Steve and freeze as he reaches over to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. He notices your reaction "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He says and pulls his had away. 

Blushing you reach up and place a hand on his cheek. "It's ok. You just caught me off guard. I'm ok." You say and smile softly. "Steve. There is something I would like to say to you if you will let me." You watch him for a reaction. He watched you curiously and nods for you to continue. "I really like you Steve. And if you would be interested I would like to be more than just friends." You finish and look at him worried that he will be upset by that. He just smiled and leaned in to kiss you. When he pulled away he chuckled at your really surprised reaction.

"Was that a good enough answer for you?" He asked and smiled. You smiled and chuckled. "Yes. I think it does." 

You spend the rest of the day cuddling with him and watching the rest of your friends having fun. Everything was perfect and you were so happy. You couldn't help but smile. And the smile never left your face. Even after you went back to the compound and went to bed. 


Hey guys. Thank you for reading. If you have any requests let me know. I will try to do justice to your ideas. I would like to know what you want to see. 

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