cant move on - diego hargreeves x reader

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(your pov)

here i stand, in front of the guy that kidnapped klaus. i just have to shoot him.

even though it goes against my morals.

"if you leave now, i'll-"


oh, shit.


i wake up a few minutes later, but everything is in third person. my dead body lies on the floor, and diego walks into the smelly hotel room.

"y/n, please don't do this to me," he cries next to my body.

"diego, why are you putting your fingerprints all over the place? you're so stupid," i groan.


"earth to diego," i say, snapping my fingers in his face.

"wait a minute..."


i decide to follow him around, because maybe i can get klaus to tell him that i'm sorry.

he's sleeping at the academy, along with most of the others, including klaus.

i leave his room, and start towards klaus'.

it feels weird, being dead. i can't talk to anyone, except for klaus, of course. i can't feel things, can't hold them in my hands. all of the things i can't do almost make me cry, but then i reach klaus' door.

i go to knock, but then i remember.

maybe not going into the light was a bad idea.

"klaus!" i shout, knowing he's the only one that can hear me.

he opens the door, rubbing his ears. "christ, y/n, you'll wake everyone."

"no, i won't."

"what do you mean? wait, are you.... dead?"

"bingo," i chuckle tearfully.

"oh, y/n. i'm so sorry. that can be a troublesome experience."

"thank you. um, i wanted to ask you for a favor."

"oh, anything."

"can- can you get a message to diego for me?"


"diego, how ya doing? i heard about y/n. i'm so sorry," klaus says.

"thanks. wait, how- how do you-?" diego asks confusedly.

"well, i can see ghosts, can't i?"

"oh. yeah, i guess you can."

i sit next to him. "diego, i'm so sorry. i should've waited for you."

"they want you to know that they're sorry, and that they regret not waiting for you."

"i- i love you."

"ugh," klaus groans. "okay, they're being really sappy and i can't say this shit for them anymore, so i'm gonna try something."

he closed his eyes and clenched his fists, and i turned blue.

"what the-"

"it's like astral projection or something, dad explained it to me years ago but i don't remember any of it."

i inhaled sharply, and i tried to touch diego's cheek.

it worked.

i hugged him immediately, and he did the same.

"i- i'm sorry i couldn't get there sooner, y/n," he apologizes.

"hey. look at me, diego."

he looks up at me, a single tear rolling down his cheek. i wipe it away.

"this is not your fault, okay?"

he nods softly.

"i love you, okay? and i want you to move on. of course, you won't immediately, that's to be expected. but i want you to fall in love again, okay?"

"o- okay," he sighs, and i kiss him one more time, before nodding to klaus.

i fade back to my normal skin color, and get off the couch. as i sit next to klaus he looks to me and says "you know, that was a one time thing. i'm not gonna let you fulfill your sexual fantasies from the grave and shit."

"i know, klaus."

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