outed - jack kline x ftm!reader

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tw: being outed to transphobic parents, homophobic slurs


(your pov)

i hear all three locks click as i sit on the porch in the rain.

i sob into my favorite stuffed animal, glad that i packed a bag a long time ago.

i pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the only safe number in my phone.

"hello?" jack's voice asks.

"hey," i whisper.

of course, he immediately gets protective. "are you okay? are you hurt?"

"i'm lucky enough to not be."

"what happened?"

"sarah outed me to my parents..."

"i assume they didn't take it well?"

"they kicked me out, jack. like a rabid dog."

"do you need a place to stay? i'm sure sam and dean will be fine with you staying at the bunker."

"really? you'd do that?"

"of course. anything for my sunshine."

he hangs up, and i feel helpless again.

i text him 'i'll be in the alley on the corner' and sit next to the dumpster.

a few minutes later, a group of boys approach me.

"hey, fag!" one of them shouts.

i sigh, knowing who they are.

the chads.

chad faire, every teacher's least favorite student.

chad jeffries, the tiktok fuckboy.

and chad king.

the quarterback. the oldest senior. the ladies man.

the king.

of course, they hate LGBTQ, poc, nerds, and the like.

and i fall under the category, being a trans gay.

"your parents finally cut you off?" chad f. asks.

"it's about time," chad j. chimes in.

"it's for the best," chad k. says with fake pity, crouching to meet my eyes. "they probably hated her anyway."

i feel a jolt of anger surge through me, and i punch him.

oh, i'm so screwed.

chad j. and chad f. lift me up against the wall, and chad k. does all the hitting.











finally, he decides to get it over with and choke me.

i struggle against him, kicking him and clawing at his hand, but that just makes him choke me harder.

need...... help........

"hey, assholes! pick on someone your own size!"

he turns my head to face the owner of the voice, and it's dean. jack is with him.

"you know them?" he growls.

"n- no."

he slaps me. "try again."

"no, s- sir."

"why's it your business?!" he shouts back.

the chads are thrown into the dumpster by an 'unknown force', and i fall from the wall.

jack rushes over and helps me sit up as i cough.

"h- he-"

"shh, i know. i saw. it's okay. they're gone," he assures me, kissing my forehead while i cry.

"m- my bag... did they take it?" i ask, crying harder at the thought of parting with the memories in there.

"they didn't have the chance, sunshine," he promises.

he stands up and helps me up. we walk to the impala, which still feels so far away in this pouring rain.

jack notices my stumbling, picking me up bridal style and carrying me the rest of the way.

he puts me in the back seat, next to castiel, and gets in next to me.

i pull my favorite stuffed animal out of my backpack and cuddle up next to jack, ready to get into some warm clothes and go to sleep.

less ready to take off a wet binder.

but jack can help me.


(comment if you love jack and want more of jack)

(especially him calling you sunshine-)

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