Auntie to the Rescue

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My group and I headed back from our successful mission, laughing after we grabbed coffees. Clint was beyond tired, and I was just having a good day. When we got back to base, Adrienne, Eliza, and I went upstairs to the chill room and flounced on the beanbags. The guys followed in soon after grabbing gatorades.
    “So Nat, you’ve been on the job a little longer than us, tell us about yourself before you came here!” Eliza said.
    “Well, I didn’t have much of a life. I was about 19 when I left South Carolina. My sister, her husband, and daughter were well off, so I decided to explore a little bit. Me being an ex- russian assasinator up until I was twelve and fled to America, I easily worked my way into the job. That’s pretty much it. I met Clint in Budapest and then we headed in different directions, and reunited here,” I explained. South Carolina was boring, and not the life I wanted to lead. I couldn’t bring myself to go to my sister’s funeral. Too many emotions. They started talking about old missions  as I checked my phone. Missed Call: St. Annalei’s Hospital. I frowned as I called them back and stepped out of the room.
    “Hi, Natasha Romanoff speaking?”
    “Hello Mrs. Romanoff, we have a minor here that is related to you? She is at the hospital and says she’s your niece. They need you over here urgently,” a nurse said. I gasped.
    “Oh my gosh, um, okay. I’ll be there in a little bit. I’m at work, tell her I’ll see her soon,” I hung up and went to my room to change. When I came back out, everyone looked confused.
    “Clint go change. We gotta go to the hospital. My niece is at St. Annalei’s right now,” I hurried to grab my stuff. I think she was my only living family member. Clint groaned and walked to his room.
    “Nat we’re coming too. No other jobs and we wanna be there,” Adrienne stated.
    “We do?” Lafayette asked.
    “Yes. We do. Go,” she ordered. Everyone was back in three minutes. Clint and I got in his car, and they got in Alexander’s car. This was supposed to be a good day. Not a trip to the hospital. When I got there I located a nurse.
    “Hi, I’m Natasha Romanoff. I’m here to see Tae Hasler?” she nodded and led me to room 208. I walked in and Tae was next in a chair next to a guy, who was in the hospital bed. They were both asleep. I hated to wake her, but I wanted to make sure she was okay.
    “Tae, wake up. It’s Aunt Natasha,” I said softly. She woke up groggily.
    “Aunt Nat? You came?” she said, surprised.
    “Of course, kiddo. I had to make sure you were okay. How are you doing?”
    “I’m fine. But, you remember my best friend John Laurens right? He lived a couple blocks away?” I nodded. They had the craziest adventures when they were little.
    “Yeah, I do,”
    “His dad disowned him, legally, when he was 11. Mom and I took him in for a few months until she died and Dad was arrested. We hopped on a cab that brought us to Aunt Perin’s house, until she died about a year ago. Since then we’ve just been sleeping at the library and spending the rest of our time working, trying to save up for an apartment. John’s like the brother I never had, we take care of each other no matter what. So when he got beat up in an alley, I brought him here. I didn’t know what to do, so I called you,” she explained. I felt bad for her, but more importantly, angry at both of their fathers.
    “Oh my gosh, kid. You could’ve called and stayed with Clint and me. How old are you now?”
    “16, both of us. We used to work at a french restaurant, but then- well, long story short, we got fired,” she admitted sheepishly.
    “Wow. So how bad is his injury?”
    “Um, possible stitches and $100 bad. Together John and I have about $10,”
    “Okay. I’ll pay for the whole thing, but I’m going to talk to my friends, who came with me. Would you like to meet them?” Eliza and Adrienne were sweethearts, and I knew they’d love Tae.
    “Yeah sure. Hey John, I’m going downstairs for a moment. Be back momentarily,” she said, even though he was still asleep. When we got downstairs I introduced Tae, and everyone’s reaction surprised me. Eliza was gushing over seeing her again, for some reason, Lafayette and Adrienne were laughing, and Alexander had a pure scowl on his face.
    “I’m assuming y’all know each other?” Clint asked.
    “Yeah, she was our waiter at the one restaurant. She and Alex… didn’t really get along…”
    “She drove her heel into my kneecap!!” he nearly screeched. Tae blushed and I high fived her. Alex looked mock betrayed.
    “What can I say? I’ve got Romanoff blood,” she grinned.
    “So what are we doing from here?” Clint asked. I bit my lip and racked my brain for ideas. I would take her home with me, except I live at base, and John hasn’t been discharged yet.
    “You don’t have a plan do you?” Alex said dryly.
    “Well… not quite at the moment,” I said.
    “You did say I could come stay with you and Clint,” she mentioned. Crap, I did say that, didn’t I. Alex’s face just said, NO. Laf and Adri gave disapproving looks, and Eliza’s face just said seriously?
    “Wait a minute, what?” Clint asked.
    “By the way, your boss is mad right now. Apparently y’all didn’t tell him that you were leaving work and he has another assignment for you, 08,” Tae said, handing Alex one of our com devices.
    “Woah woah woah, how did you get this?”  he asked in shock.
    “When you bent down to tie your shoe and I gave Eliza a hug,” she stated, matter of factly. I laughed as Alex looked like he was close to a breaking point.
    “Alexander, you’re all grumpy. When was the last time you slept?” I asked. By now, we were all gathered outside the hospital, talking.
    “That is none of your business,” he pouted. Eliza patted his back.
    “I think our boss would like to meet her,” I suggested. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Except for Tae.
    “Our workplace isn’t exactly child friendly, Nat,” Clint reminded me.
"I know, but you know he loves kids,"
"Y'all, I'm 16. Not 8," Tae complained, and I nodded.
"She'll boost morale. I have a feeling that our workplace needs a little more spice. Plus she is currently sleeping at the library,"
"Well we kinda got caught so now we don't," she said sheepishly.
"Then where are you sleeping as of now?" Adrienne asked.
"Um, the alley way two blocks down and to your right,"
"So that's how John got hurt. I'm assuming y'all got picked on in the alley way?" Laf said.
"Yeah, then I had to call Aunt Nat, and that's where we are now. But if you don't mind, I'm going to check on my brother. I'll see y'all in a few," she looked exhausted, and I could tell all Eliza wanted to do was hug her. As soon as she went in, Eliza spoke up.
"I wanna take her in," I looked at her surprised. But Boss and her did tend to love children.
"It'd be nice to have someone new around. Like Nat said, morale booster," Clint said.
"Alright, sounds good to me," Laf gave in, and Adrienne agreed. We all looked at Alex.
"No matter what you say or do I'm not going to like this," he said, stubborn as always. Eliza walked over to him from behind and put her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. Alex just stood there and tried not to listen as she begged. He finally gave in.
"Fine, but this will only bring trouble," he warned.
"Thanks Alex. I'm going to go talk to Tae," I walked back inside and went to the room, to find Tae and John talking, her curled up in the chair.
"Hey Tae, can I talk to you?" she nodded and got up.
“John and I are trying to figure out where we are going to stay. Don’t worry about us, we have everything under control.
“Well I might have a better solution. My job is like college and I stay in a ‘dorm’ with a living room. We talked about stuff and we decided you and John can come stay with us. But from here on out, everything is a secret. Would you like that?” I asked.
“Well, I’d have to talk to John… he’s the more reasonable one. But he’s still not discharged from the hospital and needs stitches, so we can’t leave yet. I’m still trying to figure out how he got a wound that… deep. You don’t get that from a punch,” she frowned, thinking out loud.
“Okay, well call me when you guys decide, but we have to head back to work pretty soon, so try to hurry,” she disappeared to go talk to John and I went to the second floor waiting room.

A/N: Sorry about the weird cliffhanger, but the next part will be out in 2-3 days. Whenever I can get it out.
In other news, I have a message for the world. BE MORE LIKE MY STAGE MANAGER. You guys don't understand how awful my day was yesterday- I felt like I was gonna pass out a few times. I always stay to help clean up props and yada yada. So when I was struggling, he walked in and said, "go home," and I looked at him oddly. It was finished by, "Girl, you've had a rough day, go home. I'm going to finish the job for you." I smiled at him because he was like the only nice person yesterday. So, next time you see someone having a hard day, help them out. You might just make their day. :)

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