Concern and Worry

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POV Martha W.

I was getting worried about George. He was definitely stressed and more emotional than ever. On one hand, I felt bad about lying to him. On the other, if the kids were avoiding home, this was something important that they needed to sort out. George was so worried that something had happened to them, but I couldn't tell him. I couldn't betray them. When I decided to go check on him, he had his head down on his desk and looked out of it. For a moment, I thought he was sick. I pulled a chair up next to him to give him a shoulder massage, but he was just ignoring me. I frowned.

"George, are you okay?" I said, worry seeping through my voice. He lifted his head and sighed, burying his face in my shoulder. I could tell he was mentally exhausted. It was that look, that emotion that he conveyed. I wasn't sure how much longer he could handle this. I just rubbed his back and tried to help him relax.

"No Martha, I'm not okay. My kids just up and disappeared after a dangerous mission I sent them on and then took four days of legal leave of absences. I'm worried Martha. It's New York. I'm supposed to protect them and they are out in New York all alone. I don't have a clue where they are or what's going on and it makes me sick. I promised them that I'd always take care of them and that I would always protect them, and now I've failed," he said. My heart broke.

"George this is not your fault. I don't know what's happening, but I know that they will come back. You've done everything you can to make them feel loved and safe and protected. But you know the cost of this job. It's not easy. But I know they'll come back, and I don't think you should blame yourself for this," I choked when I said that. I had just lied to him. Think of the kids, Martha. Everything will be okay. I hugged him tighter, trying to comfort him. It was like he'd built a wall around himself, and that could be dangerous.

"Martha are you sure they'll come back? What if they ran away because of me, because they didn't feel like they could talk to me anymore?" he was almost crying, and my gut burned with guilt. The kids are counting on you.

"George I don't think that's the case. They love you, and they'll come back given time. You ought to take a break too, take some time to relax. I don't want you to worry about them so much,"

"No way could I relax when my kids are missing. I can't take a break until I know for sure that they're okay," he looked out the window longingly.

"For the last time they are more than likely fine. You trained them yourself,"

"Martha, unless you know something I don't, this situation could go either way. And if you did know something, well, I would hope you would tell me," he looked down, sadly. My heart shattered. I was completely torn, so I curled up with him in the big office chair and spent quite a bit of time cuddling and trying to comfort myself as well as him. After quite a bit of time, he spoke up.

"What's going on?" I perked up. If he found out I had been lying to him, well, he'd be so disappointed.

"What are you talking about?" I stammered, trying to keep my voice level.

"I don't know, but I've just felt so awful. It's like there's something gnawing at me that I can't describe. I feel guilty, and I miss my kids. But it's more than that. I have this aching in my heart. Martha, I need your help," he had a wistful look on his face, and the guilty burning in my stomach skyrocketed.

"I don't know George. I just don't know,"

"Love, whatever's going on, just promise me that you'll stick by my side. As long as I have you I'll be okay," he squeezed me tighter and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck.

"I-I'll try George. I'll do what I can," a silent tear slipped down my cheek, "do you wanna just go take a nap?" All of this was making me feel rather tired. He nodded and scooped me up, which I was not expecting. It wasn't but a few minutes later that we were curled up asleep, exhausted from the events of the past few days. I massaged the nape of his neck with my thumb, which was something he loved. I know he didn't actually sleep, because he was far too upset to do that. But I did my best to calm him down. I assumed he didn't sleep well last night.



"I love you," I smiled and shivered, he pulled me closer to him, where I felt safe and warm.

"I know. I love you too," and with that, we were actually able to fall asleep.

When I woke up, I saw a text from Alex and swiped away the notification before George could see it. He was still asleep, which was good. He often woke up early in the morning. I kissed his cheek before slipping out of bed and put my heels on. Alex had texted me to meet them at a cafè not far from here. Maybe I'd finally get some answers.

A/N: I AM THE QUEEN!! Four chapters in a day!!! Let's go!!!! Enjoy!

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