Chapter 4- The Lyon King

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Well here you go loves!!! There'll be a lot of mistakes I hope you don't mind and it isn't that long but I wrote as quickly as I could because I wanted fans of "Not That Kind Of Girl" (if there are any hardcore die fans hahaha) to have an update. It's been a while I know I'm sorry, life has been very hectic. I just had to dedicate this chapter to the lovely ryssajoj who motivated me to continue and alayna_10801 who inspired me to keep writing! Thanks guys:))
Xoxo peace and love
- MB.Ren

"He said WHAT!"
Oh god, here we go.
"He asked me to-" I began but she interrupted almost immediately with a long siren-like yell.
I held the phone away from my ear but it did nothing to conceal the screech I was sure the whole neighbourhood could hear.
"Oh my god! He's asking me to the dance? You know what that means?" She asked but gave me no time to answer, before screaming, "We're going to be rocking that boat babe!"
I grimaced, putting the sandwich I was eating back down, losing my appetite and wanting to throw up the few bites that I had eaten.
"Why hasn't he texted! Oh god for fuck sake he doesn't have my number! Why didn't you give him my number!" She yelled at me without pause for breath.
I opened my mouth but she just continued lecturing me for not having the courtesy to give Aden her number.
I sighed and put the phone down beside me and flipped through my magazine knowing that Caroline would be talking for a while.
After about two sodas, a bathroom break, and half box of cookies later Caroline finally shut up.
I loved her but she had a habit of talking, which left many of our conversations one sided.
"So he wants to actually take me?"
I nodded as if she could see me. I cleared my throat realising she was waiting for a response.
She'd repeatedly asked me this every five or so minutes as if Aden had had anytime to talk to me in the meantime and change his mind."Yes, he wanted me to ask you-"
She yelled again. "But why? Can't he ask me himself?"
Her need for self gratification by a man, let alone a boy like Aden Lyons was concerning but I had no time to think about that catching sight of a sluggish Jamie in my doorway.
"Caroline I have to go, Jamie's awake," I said quickly cutting off whatever she wanted to say more on the matter and hung up.
"Bad dream buddy?" I said with a warm smile catching sight of his little chubby pale face and his red rimmed, tear filled eyes. He said nothing but only trudged over to my bed and propped his head full of sweaty, messy bed hair into my lap.
I played with his hair brushing it back like I used to do when he was just a baby, it was the only way I had learnt to put him to sleep on nights when he was so restless and irritated and my mum had been too tired to pick him from his crib.
He was sick today, so his play date with Alley had to be put on hold until Saturday but he didn't seem to mind too much, he was a pretty happy kid.
He fell asleep quickly and I couldn't recall when I did, but I dreamt of my parents that night, I couldn't remember what about them but they were there vaguely, much like reality.

The next few days went by slowly but eventually Friday rolled around. Caroline talked non-stop about what she was going to wear to the dance and -to my disdain- after the dance.
She had mentioned her excitement to get Aden alone, who had been strangely MIA since he had asked me about Caroline and that was starting to annoy her but was pleasing me immensely.
She was walking backwards as she always did on our walks around the backyard, she believed that it made it easier for her to look at me while speaking at the same time. It just made me strangely nauseous.
She had stopped asking long ago why we couldn't just go for walks to the park. I couldn't tell her that my holiday to Cancun had actually been partly spent in a rehabilitation unit in Los Angeles, therapy sessions and in my bed, paranoid out of my mind.
"I don't know C! Maybe he died!" Here's hoping.
I grimaced, I didn't want him dead, maybe just unable to talk for a while.
However, the less of him I needed to see the better! She had asked me over and over where he could have been as we had walked home but I had ignored her every time because she would just rattle on and on like a broken record and I was busy trying to control my anxiety as every car passed by.
She slapped me across the shoulder, unhappy with my lack of teen spirit regarding her newly formed dwellings with the devil.
"Ow!" I snapped.
We talked-rather she talked- until we had circled the yard for the tenth time, I knew that Jamie and Josh were out at his baseball game so we had the whole house to ourselves tonight, which left nothing to interrupted Caroline's incessant monologue.
After drowning myself in a tub of Ben and Jerry's triple fudge chocolate I was in a ice-cream coma. Caroline had given up on the thought of Aden hours ago and I was glad for her silence. The only sounds I wanted to hear were the trio of nasty girls bickering at eachother in the movie Mean Girls, and of course the occasional reciting of certain lines we knew by heart. It was one of our favourites.
Caroline's phone rang and she almost fell head first trying to reach it from the night stand. I picked it up sitting on my computer chair by it. I was with Caroline so who else would be calling this late?
"I dont know the number," I muttered in confusion.
"Answer it," she said.
"Hello?" I said awkwardly.
"Snooks?" He spoke softly into the phone, making very adult feelings spread through my body, as the deep sound vibrated my skin. "What a lovely surprise."
I growled mentally.
I covered the reciever.
"It's Aden," I muttered.
Great, Caroline would be doing more talking after this.
"What?" She perked up, tumbling off my bed and crawling to me. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie," she sang, staring at the phone as sprawled out on the floor.
"You might want to answer it before he hangs up-"
"Hello?" she said seductively.
My eyes widened, where had Caroline gone? This new voice was definitely not her. Who was she Jessica Rabbit?
I knew Caroline had been with multiple guys but I had never seen her in action so to speak. It was slightly disturbing.
They talked for hours, I went through three of our favourite movies while they talked, although Caroline rarely paused, and I wondered how much of the actual talking Aden was doing.
"Okay it's set then. Tomorrow night at seven," she enthused, laughing seductively and sighing in the phone.
I watched her and she just lay on her back staring at the ceiling.
"Are you dead?" I poked her side and she laughed that same sexy laugh again.
"And what's at seven tomorrow?" I queried, unable to stop myself before the words came out. I instantly regretted it, because I had prompted her to start talking again.
"I might as well have died and gone to heaven!" she paused and flipped onto her stomach to stare at me. "He's taking me to La Belle Vie! That new French place next to the beach tomorrow night!"
I frowned. "Tomorrow is freak-and-fright pizza night," I said in a mutter.
She nodded slowly, her smile dropping. "I know but come one Rach! This is the Aden Lyons! The Middleton sex God! Please be okay with this? You know how long I've wanted to get down and dirty with him to see what all the fuss is about." She was pleading with her big brown eyes, her lip curved into a small pout. "It's purely for science. Experimental reasons, if you will."
"I wouldn't call his dick an 'experimental reason', and definitely not one great enough to miss our weekly date night," I said, scrunching my nose up in disgust.
She stare at me without blinking, pleading with me to just let her do what she would regardless, without the consequence of me being mad.
I sighed. "Fine."
She grinned in success and began rummaging through my jewellery nattering something about burrowing something.

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