Chapter 1- Rachel and the Lyon

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Aden was a vague thought as I stepped into my history class, plopping myself down in a seat by the window and dreading the next hour of my life.
Throughout the entire history lesson I gazed absentmindedly out the window, watching the rays of the sun shine against different objects outside, casting shadows and shapes on the quad that resembled ink on a blank canvas.
I was glad when Ms. Michaels had to step out to speak to a teacher because that woman's monotone voice could put coffee to sleep.
The seat beside me rumbled as the legs of the chair sqeaked over the wooden floor. I didn't need to turn to know who would be arrogant enough to commit the crime of sitting next to me. His reflection in the window showed the culprit clearly.

“What do you want?” I grumbled, with an annoyed sigh, sliding into my seat with my arms crossed over my chest. I mentally groaned.

"I don't remember you being this feisty. You like this with all boys Rach?” he asked. I didn’t even have to look at him to know he had that stupid smirk stapled to his face.

 “Only boys. Not men,” I replied curtly, emphasising the little thought I had of his manhood. My eyes moved with a leaf that was floating from the giant oak tree near the glass frame. " I'm not going to fall at your knees like some love struck, incompetent little girl Aden, if that's what you're waiting for."

He surprised me by chuckling. I turned to face him, startled by the sound of his laughter.

“Spend a night with me and I'll show you that there's nothing boyish about me.”  His voice was low, leaving goosebumps as the sound faded.
He rose a brow and dropped it. "And there's nothing wrong with being a little incompetent , I can help with that," he said with a smile, and I understood immediately what he was implying.
I laughed internally. He thinks you're some virgin, that's why he's trying so hard.
I decided to ignore that comment confused by the affect his words had on my body. “Aden, please just shut up," I hissed in frustration.
"Cancun changed you Hart," he mocked with a laugh.
Cancun...that's where my parents had told the school we were off holidaying. If only he knew how much "Cancun" had really changed me.
"Not as much as you change your girlfriends. God you use girls like tissues! Use one, and then throw it away,” I stated matter-of-factly, with a brow raised at him, my anger was bubbling to the surface.
There was amusement in his eyes now and that did just irritated me more.
“You know it's okay that you haven’t been one of them, yet? I can change that," He said sweetly, faining innocence.
My jaw felt like it hit the floor. What was happening here? I'd wanted to fly under the radar, and that had landed me right in Aden's line of attention.
“What? I’d rather be thrown off a bridge, then be your next whatever!” I argued with so much angst my insides burned, but I had been too defensive and that made him more amused.
“I like this new side of you,” he said stifling a laugh. "It's exciting, but you're acting like a child Snooks."
The way he said the word had temporarily caught me off guard, not because he said it, but because he remembered my childhood nickname.
“You sound like a complete dick. And don't call me that!” The restraint I had on my frustration was beginning to quickly unravel, my heart was racing hard in my ears.
“I sound like a dick? That all you got Snooks?” he cackled, throwing his head back so the sound bellowed out. "I don't know what it sounds like, but I know it could make you call out my name-"
"You have some fucking nerve-"
I stopped mid-sentence as people began scattering back to their seats and realized that everyone in our class had been half-huddled around Aden and I, watching our argument escalate. When I finally figured out why they all had dispersed so rapidly, it was too late.
“Ms. Hart and Mr. Lyons, since you two like chatting to one another so much and wasting my time, I'll be wasting your time after school…in detention!” Ms. Michaels demanded with a crazy look in her eyes.
I held back a laugh, realising it took an overheated arguement between two students to make Ms. Michaels sound lively again. The irony almost soothed the blow of having to spend my afternoon with Aden and a teacher. Almost.
 “No, I’m good. But thank you Diane,” Aden replied casually, leaning back so that his chair was balancing on two legs.
“It is not up for discussion Mr. Lyons,” she told him sternly, she was turning red and I feared for Aden’s life, because if this got us a worse  punishment...I would kill him. But I couldn’t think of anything worse than spending detention with Aden Lyons.
“I want you both here at three o’clock, do not be late,” she ordered. The whole class was presumably watching the vein that was popping out of her forehead, like I was. “Is that clear, Miss. Hart? Mr. Lyon?”
I nodded and said nothing when she looked at me.
“Whatever,” Aden muttered leaning back into his seat again and closing his eyes.

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