Chapter 9 - Wearing My Hart on My Sleeve

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I skipped my last period and found myself in the library well into after school hours, Josh had told me that Aden would be bringing Ally over again and I felt compelled to stay as far away from Aden and the Lyons for a few more days before the dinner I had made a deal to go to, telling him I had to study.
I couldn't even retreat to the safety of my house without running into him.
Would I even be able to face him at this dinner, after he'd already told me what he had thought of me?
That would be a problem for another day. However, right now, my obligations were to finishing off the chocolate bar in my hand.
"You look like you could use a study buddy."
I jumped looking up at Tristan.
His brows furrowed. "I didn't mean to scare you, sorry."
I smiled, genuinely happy to see a friendly face.
"Need company?" He asked seeming to sense my inner turmoil.
I motioned to the bean bag across from me with my chin and he dropped into it.
"I'm glad you're here, I was starting to go insane with boredom," I admitted.
"Why are you here so late?" He asked handing me a can of cola from his bag.
I tried my best to open it quietly but the can had other plans, echoing a 'psst' loudly through the library.
I heard the echo of hushes from the few people scattered through the room.
Tristan and I stifled laughter against our hands.
"Trying to escape," I said truthfully.
It was easy to tell him the truth.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his brows furrowing deeply again.
I nodded slowly, unsure.
"Is this about that fight you had with Caroline?" He pressed gently.
I smiled, appreciating his calm nature.
"No, um," I paused to take a sip. "We made up, I think," I said with a nervous laugh. I still hadn't heard back from Caroline.
"Good, because what she said isn't true," he spoke softly, watching me carefully.
I raised my brows, curious for him to continue.
He smiled, "I sort of knew you before you left for Cancun. Even though you were this popular cheerleader that everyone wanted to be, you've always been amazing, nice and that really hasn't changed-"
"I was in an accident," I blurted, unable to comprehend why this was important for me to say, I guess something in me had been tired of hiding the truth from everyone because my parents had lied.
But why was I hiding? What did I have to be ashamed of. I had to let someone know.
Tristan nodded slowly, listening intently but letting out a breath as if he had been waiting for a bomb -much like this one- to drop a long time ago.
"I know," he said slowly.
My eyes widened.
No one knew. How did he know?
"My mum is a nurse. She works a few  towns over. She was one of the nurses at the hospital after the crash," he answered softly.
I nodded but wasn't really listening, I felt like I was sinking. No one had ever known, and if felt like both a relief and a burden that someone else did.
There was a long moment of silence as memories from that day began to break down the walls of my repression.
"It changed me. But, I had to change to be okay," I said softly. "That's why sometimes I can be a little oblivious. Im just, still...adjusting."
Tristan nodded. "I know. That must have been hard. But, no one needs an explanation okay?" He nodded at me in reassurance. "Not me. Not Caroline. Not certainly not Aden."
The warmth of his smile made me smile too, but it faltered as I thought back to Caroline and Aden.
"You haven't told anyone, have you?" He asked but I could tell he already knew the answer.
I shook my head. "My parents would literally die if anyone had found out. They paid anyone they had hush money to shut up, shipped me to L.A for private rehabilitation and a shit-load of therapy," I scoffed, completely familiar with how insane that made my family sound.
"So Cancun?" He muttered.
"A lie," I laughed, that's all I could do. They was no humour in my voice, but it had become a coping mechanism. Anything was better than crying.
"I'm so sorry Rach," he comforted softly, resting a hand on my knee.
My eyes drifted to it as he patted me in consolidation.
I inhaled a big breath unwilling to let the sadness overtake me.
"Would you like to go out sometime, or do something with me?" I said quickly not sure of his response.
Tristan shook his head and laughed, the sound fleeting through the air between us.
"You know I'm gay right?" He chuckled.
I nodded, wondering when he would tell me. "Those apps, aren't a great way to meet people Tris," I admitted with a small smile.
"In that case, I would love to go out with you." He laughed and I laughed along with him. "But first, tell me what's your motive?"
I smiled. "I need to be around better company."
"I agree, and you're in luck because I the best there is. Is Sunday good?" He offered.
I nodded before looking down at my soda can. I would need a distraction after my dinner with my parents and the Lyons'.
My heart skipped a beat, aware that I had achieved something. Tristan was the first guy I had asked out since my accident and I couldn't help but smile, even if he was gay. I had built up the courage and could probably do it again to get a real date.
Tristan understood me a little better than most, so it made talking to him easier.
You're not exactly my type.
Although I wasn't Aden's kind of girl or Tristan's preferred gender, it didn't mean I wouldn't be someone else's. I was excited about the prospect of a new friendship with Tristan, Lord new I needed some new ones.

Friday came quickly, I had been in a daze most of the morning. I was tired and on edge, anxiety playing with the frayed edges of my nerves after a hard night of nightmares.
My English and Biology lesson breezed passed in a blur, and I was happy enough to be walking with Tristan to our usual lunch spot.
To my surprise it was just us, but that made me feel calmer, I couldn't keep up appearances right now. My body had been aching for days, and I wondered if there would ever be a day where I wasn't reminded about my accident.
"Hey, Rach. What's wrong?" Tristan asked me, placing his hand over mine.
He stared into my eyes and I stared back at him, smiling to hide my anxiety.
I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just a little tired."
His thumbs made small circles on my wrist and it soothed my erratic thoughts for a moment.
"Was this from the accident?" He asked carefully, looking down.
I followed his line of sight to my calf, unaware that my pants had ridden up to reveal the deep pink and purple scars up along my leg.
I flinched, closing my eyes tightly as I thought about it.
"Yeah," I swallowed down the lump in my throat, my breaths shallow. "The car hit me from my right side. After the accident-"
"What accident?" His voice hung in the air, thick and warm.
My eyes opened as both Tristan and I swivelled our heads up to see Aden and Caroline standing before us.
My eyes travelled between the confusion in Aden's eyes and the oblivious expression on Caroline's face as she sat beside Tristan.
I was surprised to see them both here. Caroline hadn't been around much to sit with us at lunch, but now she was bringing Aden along? I was confused.
Had Aden changed his mind and was dating her to prove his point to me?
I didn't ask her any questions, our friendship seemed a little frail these days, there was no need to add more pressure.
My eyes moved to Aden without my permission and I hated to admit to myself that he looked gorgeous as ever and the sight of his tousled hair and piercing eyes made my heart flutter.  Today he was wearing a tight purple shirt that outlined every muscle of his torso. Memories flashed through my mind of the night it had rained and I shivered.
I let out the breath I was holding and looked down adjusting my pant leg hoping he hadn't noticed.
Aden's eyes caught the movement, and slowly reached back up to my face.
"Rachel? What accident?" Aden pressed, this time the confusion had turned into worry and impatience.
"Aden, let it go," Tristan began, standing between me and Aden.
Aden's large hand shoved Tristan softly out of the way.
"What the hell is up with you two?" Aden demanded, his voice as confused as his expression.
Something hot burned in the pit of my stomach. Did he really feel entitled enough to demand anything after the way he had spoken to me? After what he thought of me.
Caroline seemed to finally catch on.
"Did you have an accident in Cancun? What, was it like a surfing accident?" Caroline teased with a friendly laugh.
I laughed too, but the sound wasn't convincing. "No, I was just telling Tristan about my trip, and about how I met that guy by accident," I said, not completely lying.
Tristan nodded with a smile. "Seemed like a pretty cool trip to me!"
"I'll say, she was gone for more than a year!" Caroline added with a smile. "And yeah, Harry," she said,  wiggling her brows.
"Who's Harry?" Aden asked dryly as though he were uninterest.
I sighed because Tristan and I had actually managed to side-step the one  conversation I wasn't ready to have.
I sighed, sending a look of gratitude Tristan's way. He smiled in response.
"Harry was Rach's first, he was also a one night stand," she said proudly, as if it were a badge of honour I should have paraded around.
I gave her a pointed glare a little annoyed that she felt she was allowed to air my dirty laundry to the world.
Aden shot me a surprised look, but something dark lurked beneath,  presumably that fact that he'd been proven wrong for all the times he'd called me a virgin.
Caroline wasn't wrong about Harry, yet she didn't know how that night had ended.
Tristan grabbed his bag seeming having had enough of this conversation, because of his mum I'm sure he knew all too well how the story went. "Ill see you on Sunday," he said to me.
I looked at Tristan our eyes locking as though he were asking permission to leave, I nodded with a smile.
Caroline and Aden shared a look but before either of them could say a word the bell rang and I had my bag in hand already rushing to my gym class, with some quick goodbyes over my shoulder  before either of them could follow me.
I knew I could escape Caroline if I wanted to, but I would have to answer to Aiden tomorrow night.

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