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Well derps, I am co-admining this account with...original author.

An admin is someone who owns a page or account, by the way.

So you may notice the writing in the last chapter change a little bit, so. Yeah.

You can call me...Cherry.

Hesitant about my real name, I use a fake one.

You'll never know my real name.

Well about me, I like anime and manga just as much as original author-chan.

I'm also pretty rude. I speak my mind most of the time. Original author-chan knows well that my attention span doesn't last for long.

I speak a shitload of japanese, but I forget almost everything when someone tells me to say something in it. I also cuss alot, beware. *holds up hands*

If you're reading or writing, you can't expect fucking 8 year olds for an audience, can you? It's creepypasta. Fanfiction.

But at the same, people just don't cuss but whatever.

Ummm what else?

Oh yeah.

I used to be into cp alot, but now I'm more into my anime.

I love yaoi.

Love yuri.

And love~ Hentai. Well hentai is really just nothing to me, but I love yaoi and my favorite ecchi is Seikon no Qwaser.

What the hell am I saying, I'm sorry. This is a creepypasta fanfic.

A fabfic desu ne. ヽ(;▽;)ノ

I'll sometimes reply to comments, if original author lets me, and put like "cool. ~Cher" or "No ducking way, that's sugoi. ~Cherry" or sometimes "~Cherish"

Also, I don't really like american music, I hate pop and I seriously despise rap, maybe like hardcore rock, metal or screamo is cool, but my songs are all in japanese of all genres. Only in japanese though, I can't stand english just no. I'm probably the only one who just says no to american music.

One last thing I wanna let out, I'm really really weird. Like, me and original author-chan were...

Ne ne, original author, should I tell them about the yaoi manga we read at band at school? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways. I am really, really freaky. I'm one of the few people who can watch Boku no Pico without cringing.

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