Make a Scene (Ch. 21)

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Your POV

I continued to pack the backpack with clothing that I knew no one would notice was missing. Enough for three days. Just enough. As I zip it up, I go over the plan once more. It's terrifying but it could work... Right?

"Hey," I asked, "You sure, you'll be okay with... With this?"

Slender looked at me, "Of course."

"And.. What about..."

"We will be able to handle that situation when it arises," he answered, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just really nervous, I guess," I chuckled. I scratched at my neck, a nervous habit. I moved the backpack with the bag of food I had prepared days ago and stared at them. Enough supplies for a few days. Long enough to get to where we have to and hide out.

I turned and pouted, "And you're sure we can't teleport the whole way there?"

He chuckled, "I can certainly try but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to handle it. I wouldn't want you to feel ill."

I sighed but agreed. With the upset stomach I've got building up, it'd probably be even worse for me. I looked to my favorite pictures of my parents and of my friends. I really want to take them but mom will be able to tell they're gone right away. She'd know I left by choice. Better to leave them here. Maybe one day I can come back for them. I heard the door click and snapped my head towards it.

"I am heading down now to set up our little scene," Slender said, hand on the door, "Don't mind the noise. And do not worry, I won't break anything valuable and that can not be replaced."

I nodded and he walked out, closing the door. Not a second later, I heard the crashing and scraping of wood on wall, the breaking of glass. I could feel my heart go tight at the thought of what I'd see... Of what Mom would see. I did my best to shake it off as I set up my room. I grabbed my work table and threw it to the ground, papers and pens flying everywhere. I kicked the chair to it's side and pulled the cover of my bed to the ground. I looked to the window and decided to open it a bit, making sure to dig my nails into the wood. I walked back, facing the window and dug my nails into the carpet, dragging them to the door. I needed it all to look like I was trying to get away from someone, like someone was dragging me. I stood up and looked at my masterpiece. It'll have to do.

A soft knock at the door grabbed my attention. As the door clicked open, Slender poked his head through, obviously leaning down to fit. He cocked his head to the side, "Are you done here?"

I nodded, grabbing the to bags on putting them on. I smiled to him, "Let's go."

He nodded and stepped back, letting me through. Turning, I dug my nails into the door frame and stratched. As we continued, I sucked a breath in as I walked down the stairs, taking everything around us. Some picture frames along the way were on the ground, shattered glass and broken wood everywhere. Furniture along the way to the door was pushed aside or on its side. Some valuable things were missing. It really looked like someone came in with intention to steal. I just hoped it looked like they kidnapped me.

As we walked out, the cold air filling my lungs and the rumble of an incoming storm rolling in. I looked up and saw dark clouds beginning to fill up the night sky, the stars disappearing.

"The incoming storm will help hide your tracks," Slender said, looking to the clouds, "But we must hurry before we get caught in the rain."

I nodded as we approached the gate. I placed my hand on the latch, freezing as the memory of when I did this last flowed into my mind.

... I want to leave. Leave and never look back. Leave and forget everyone and everything. Leave and not deal with reality...

That much is still true. I don't want this.

... I don't even have a plan. I can't leave...

I have the plan now.

... I may not like it here... But it's home. And I want to be home...

I don't like it here.

And it's not home.

Not anymore.

... I can't leave...

Can't I?

... I can't leave...

I want to.

... I can't leave...

... I can't leave...

... I can't leave...

I can.

And I will.

I lifted the latch and pushed the gate open, walking through. Slender followed, tendrils slipping out from behind him. I watched as they slithered around the gate and bent the metal behinf him.

"Alright, it's time to leave," I turned to smile up at Slender, "Lead the way."

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