Dear diary, I want to watch the world burn.
Ha ha ha! Today's practice was amazing everyone was outstanding but I stood out. Honestly I should play all the parts.
Because I'm the main character not disgusting ratty square spongeboob. Even though he's kinda hot he gives me phobias.
I would much rather date myself actually marry myself because that's how Sue C's it.
Anyway back to rehearsal I go to extra classes I don't really think you can but like I said I'm the main character and I don't care what people say. Anyway if Maddie from dance moms can do it so can I.
I enjoy my days at rehearsal everyone loves me they say I'm bossy but I say no. Because no means no. And if you don't think so eat my toe, which you would probably want to anyway.
Also squidward fans I just love you would you like to watch the world burn with me? You better or else.
Anyway diary that's it goodbye.