(𝓒𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲 + 𝓸𝓷𝓮-𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭 )Centipede boy!(fluff + family dynamic)

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they sjjsjs ❤ anyways, requested by me!!! i wanna badly write something about these two aaaaaaa

genre: fluff + family dynamic (all platonic duh)

triggers/content warings: maybee slight violence? and mentions of fairs, and also mentions of the threats.

words: 671

also if your questioning whos who, oliver (aka the boy w/ the eyepatch in the image) is named 100. and the taller is centi.


Centi sighed as he waited for the person infront to order, it was such a long day in the fair, they where exhausted; standing in the sun while selling candy, popcorn and cotton candy wasnt something any person had the correct sanity to work, but hey, Centi wasn't human, so what sanity could they possibly have? None, but they didn't mind, it was great not being a filthy human with common sense and sanity.

Meanwhile, 100 was running around, being chaotic and all, after a bit of riding many rides, he was planning to scare of kids; presumably with his many arms, and so he ran around, staring a few young children off rides, some even sobbing to their parents, he got a good laugh out of it, despite the ride controllers would yell at him, and angry parents would threaten him with such little harmful words, it was pathetic.

After a bit of having a frenzy funzy running around, he was tripped on little girl, who let out an audible hiss in frustration as she got up, unharmed, but 100...was a different story, his head was scarped on the left side of their forehead. They let out a whimper and a yelp, which the female giggled at him, placing her foot on his chest and stomped on it while screaming "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME, FREAK!" She fake cried which caught some crowds attention, she soon ran to her parents, while 100 was there, left tearing up and hurt. They immediately rose themself up with struggle, and began limping to a direction, it wasn't known where they headed

After a while of walking, the poor boy fell right onto his brothers arms as he was ready to get some candy for a child, he soon dropped the handfull in his hand and hugged his brother

"Number boy? Whats wrong?" He asked with calmness yet concernness.

"I...I..- I accidentally t-tripped a-and th- person i tripped on s-stomp- ed on me wi-th h-her l-legs and it really *HIC!* g-hurt and i c-cant b-breath good.." they yepled, causing the line to look over to the siblings

"Oh, don't you worry dear brother, I'll fix this, also did you get hurt anywhere else?" Centi asked, 100 nodded and showed him the forehead scar, which Centi sighed in response, and went infront of their stand like-building, leaving their brother to sit on the stool in the back, which the 14-year-old didn't mind.

"Sorry eveyrone, we're closed." They announced, eveyrone sighing and alot of people asking the reason why, some others trash talking and the rest agreed and headed off to another shop.

Centi quickly rushed to where their brother was, searching in said room while the number boy sat in anticipation as he tried not to break into sobs of pain, which was somehow successful.

Centi soon found what he was looking for, perfect, a cotton swab, [insert medication name], and bandages, they rushed over to their brother, kneeling beside them and sighing as they began the procedure.

First, they applied the medicine to the cut, which made the other bow wince at how horrible and stingy it felt, they than appiled said cotton swab onto the scarped skin, and finally, they wrapped is up nicely with the bandage, which hundred sighed happily too, they've are glad that this is over

"All done." Centi chimed, which made the other boy giggle and mutter out a 'thank you'

"You're welcome, numbery." The 17-year-old chimed, as the two broke out in a fit of quiet giggles.

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