(𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓧 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝓿𝓾𝓼 )Cwos awe scawy! (angst fluff)

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hello my fellow swaggers!!

god i love oliver and crovus sm,, its a comfort ship of some sortz!!

also hehe this will incudle age regression because fuck me in the ass jesus (not litreally), so if ghost says their uncomfy wiyh this ill take it down immediately!!

also happy brithday henry elsner!! :3 my highest kin

anyways, enough blabbering, lets get on with the fic

words: 995

tw/cw: age regression (duh), crows, being triggered, panic attacks, crying, self derogation

Crovus was in their room in a late sunny afternoon, curtains shut.

They had their favourite stuffed animal, a peigon who they named 'bread', uncreative, i know, but they where just six.

A loud cawing sound could be heard from outside their windows, they let out low whimpers as hot, blacksih liquid began flowing out from their eye, he began sobbing, feeling a strange fuzziness in their mind, they mistook it for another emotion of despair and sadness, it wasn't a bad mistake though, but not a good one either

After a while of sobbing loudly and hugged bread tightly, they had fully slipped, and now where little, a mindset of a one and a half year old, pretty young, anyways, they hugged bread tighter as they crawled from the end of his bed to reach for his phone, which despite his fragile and small childish space, he could still read the apps, as he was used to their colourful looking squares, along with the interesting doddles inside them.

He immediately pressed the phone app, and called the first contact there, which was of course, his best freind..boyfreind? It didn't matter, he called Oliver, of course him.

Olivers P.O.V:

I suddenly got a call from my phone, i was in my dorm attending a zoom class, it was an extra class since i was horribly falling in that subject, and school hours were over for the day

"Hey, Mrs Malviçe, i have to mute for a moment.." I said before muting and turning off my Camera, which my teacher yelled at me but i just removed my headphones with a sigh and looked at my phone.

Quick switch to Crovus's pov:

"God, waw wif,, hwe hwates mwe?" The regressed boy repeated in his mind, along with a few 'im annoying him's here and there, he was such a fragile state, poor boy.

Back to Olivers P.O.V:

I soon saw the number, it started with a 46, i knew who it was.

I was worried about my boyfreind and picked it up, immediately answering concerningly

"Hello, love? You okay?"
"D-Dad..a..!" The other boy on the line choked out, i didn't know what he ment by dada, was this some sort of act? A play? Or something else, i didn't know, I pushed it off to the side and immediately asked

"What is it, crovs? Hmm? Is it those nasty crows, hm?" I asked, as if i was an adult talking to a kid, huh.

I heard a loud whimper and a 'mhm' after, i sighed and said without giving it too much thought
"Okay, crovs, ill be there in a moment, just try to calm down for me okay, bud? Remember, in and out, slowly, ok?"

I heard an adorable 'okie..' from the other end, i awwed at that in my mind

"Alright, ill see you in your apartment, love you crovs, bye!"
"Wuv you too dada! Byee!" He said over the phone, he sounded much more calm anr somewhat excited.

And without much distraction, the phone hung up, turning back to the zoom meeting, unmuting quickly

"Sorry mrs Malviçe, but i have some family issues, sorry to cut this session short!"
No ones P.O.V:

Before the bitch can yell at him for being such a disappointment and such,he left the zoom call, immediately taking his messager bag which was full of stuff incase he needed it, especially with his boyfreind, anyways, he booked it out of his dorm, not bothering to lock his door, thank god he took his phone with him.

        ☆—☆                               ☆—☆

Once Crovus heard the knock on his door, he crawled from the floor to the door, struggling to open it, immediately after he did, he forced himself to stand and walk, well run.

But all he did was waddle pathetically to the door of his apartment number, 203.

He unlocked his door easily since he was standing, and immediately when he saw Oliver he swore he jumped into his arms and clung onto him like it was the end of the world.
Oliver P.O.V: (again...-)
He began crying into my arms, god i felt so bad for the poor boy, anyway, i went it with the crying male in my arms and locked the door slowly, going over to his couch and immediately laying down, with the childish male layed on my lap, crying.

I patted his head, telling him sweet nothings, which seemed to help a bit.

"Love, do you remember our breathing practices?"
"Uhms,,Nwo!" He choked out, now seeming to panic more at that, which i reluctantly sighed too, which made him sob more, great...-

"Okay, bud, listen to dada..in.."

I remembered the cutesy nickname he gave me on call, deciding now was a good time to use it.

Anyway, he took a breath in, quickly.
"No, no, slowly, okay?"
He did it again, but slower
"Good boy! Now out, slowly..."
He slowly huffed out, i smiled
"Now repeat, slowly, no rush.."

He didn't what i asked, and slowly but surely, he had stopped crying, and instead shed a couple of tears which i happily wiped off.

"Love, you ok?"
"Y-Yes dada.." the other nodded, and let out a yawn
"You sleepy?"
He nodded and closed his eye, immediately falling asleep.

I was left cofused but happy that my boyfreind was now calm, explaining would come later.

(should i make a part 2 perhaps?)
(and ,ore age regression chapters jf anyones interested in that?)

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