Chapter 4

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Three weeks had passed since the match against Seijoh and things went back to normal. Shiratorizawa's team was training hard like never before thanks to their coach... you could easily see it through Tendou's dark circles. You tried to get him to skip a few trainings in order to get some rest but he was impossible to convince...

Well, you had something else on your mind today. It just happened that tomorrow, saturday, there was a matsuri (festival) in Sendai (the capital of the Miyagi Prefecture, where Shiratorizawa is also located) you decided to go to with Tendou !

You just wanted this day to go as quickly as possible because you were so excited (even though you tried not to show it) for tomorrow, it was the first time you were going to a matsuri with a friend. Usually your parents always told you to bring your little brothers with you so it wasn't like you were having much fun but this time it was gonna be different...

After school

"Oof... this day was long as hell..." you said.

"I know right ?" replied Tendou. "But tomorrow we get to go to our first matsuri together !"

As he said this, he started dancing and jumping around.

"Tendou stop ! There're people looking at you ! Oh my god..."

"Huh... ? So what ? Screw what they think !"

You giggled. "You're right. Let's go."

The next day

You met with Tendou in front of the entrance and you headed in. There were a lot of people so you had to stay close to Tendou to not lose sight of him. He asked you where you wanted to go first, and you suggested going to eat something. He gladly agreed and you headed to one of the food stands. You had fried mochis and Tendou picked stir-fried noodles.

"Okay, now that we've got food, where do you wanna go ?" he asked

I believe there will be a performance not far from here, let's go see it !" you replied happily.

On the way to see the performance, you recognised a few people from Shiratorizawa who came with friends too. 'I believe all the Miyagi Prefecture is gathered here.'

A few hours later...

"Thank you so much for today I had so much fun !" you said to Tendou.

"Hehe... Glad you enjoyed it. I haven't seen you smile like that for a while !"

You gave him a big grin and shouted "See you on monday !!"

"Get home safe !"

You turned around to go home, still smiling. Tendou was really the only person you were so open to. He just inspired trust and was so caring. You never liked him romantically, it was more like "best friend love" and you were completely fine with it.

Your priority right now was not finding a boyfriend anyway so for the first time in a long time, you were happy. Not the little happiness you have when you get a good grade or when someone compliments you, this time it was another feeling. You just felt so light hearted and excited you could start jumping like a little kid at any moment.

You decided to stop at the park before going home. Once you arrived there you sat on a swing and got lost in the blue sky while swinging. After a moment you heard voices not far from you and realised that the sun was setting. You stopped the swing and looked around to detect where the voices were coming from.

"C'mon Iwa-chan I was kidding come back !"

"Shut up Trashykawa I'm going home."

You saw two guys outside the park having an animated speech and thought 'What the hell is going on here ?' Both of them were tall but the one that just insulted the other had shorter hair and looked pretty angry. And what was that insult again ? 'Trashykawa', you giggled. 'Where does that come from seriously ? I feel like it reminds me of something but I can't remember what...' You looked at the other guy, he was a bit taller and was begging with both hands the other guy 'Iwa-chan ?' to come back.

And that's when it hit you. 'Wait, ain't that guy that one flirty weirdo from Seijoh ? What was his name again... Oh right, Oikawa Tooru ! Trashykawa haha... Wait, what the hell is he doing here ?! I thought I was finally going to be happy... sniff' you thought.

While you were having this fervent dialogue in your head, Iwa-chan managed to escape the other guy and he was no longer in sight... You lifted your head up, and saw the setter take out his phone. You were praying for him to not see you and started getting up from the swing in order to get out the park and run as far as possible... however things did not go as planned... He turned his head toward you and opened his eyes wide. "Oh crap..."

"Hey, I remember you !"


He remembers us ! I swear the next chapter's funny ;)

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(844 words)

😘 Love

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