Chapter 32

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You woke up the next day feeling a bit sad. It was the penultimate day of the training camp, knowing that tomorrow you'll just have to wake up early to take the train and go back to Miyagi.

After breakfast, you went to the gym with everyone and the coaches announced you that you and the other managers had the day free to do whatever you wanted. Then they said to the boys that they wouldn't impose them any particular training, and so that they also could train as they wanted.

Everyone splitted into groups, mixing the teams so everyone could be with whoever thay wanted and they started training, wether it was setting, attacking, recieving or just forming teams and playing practice sets.

You hanged out with the girls while the others were occupied and discussed about any possible topic.


After lunch, a group of guys suggested that you and the managers played a set with them. You thought it could be fun, as it had been a long time since you last played volleyball.

The girls accepted too and you gathered up to organise the teams after you and the managers changed into something more adequate to play volleyball. Once you were done putting on your short and T-shirt, you laced your shoes and went back to the gym.

You decided to mix up the teams to see how it goes. On the first team, Atsumu was playing as setter, Suna and Mina as middle blockers, Yaku as libero, and you and Iwaizumi as wing spikers.

Meanwhile on the other team, Oikawa was playing as setter, Tendou and Hana as middle blockers, Yumi as libero and Osamu and Kyotani as wing spikers.

You all set up on the court and the match soon began. Oikawa hadn't stopped smirking at you since you all started playing, and it flustered you. 'Is he doing that on purpose to disturb me from playing correctly ? That brat...'

Just when you focused back on the match, Atsumu was ready to set the ball to one of you. You were at the edge of the court and Kiyotani was a bit further. Atsumu shouted "Mad dog !" and tossed the ball. But against all odds, the ball wasn't meant for Kiyotani, as it was way too high for him to reach. And that's when you understood that Atsumu tricked the other team in thinking that Kiyotani would be the one to attack, while the ball was coming towards you.

You didn't have much time to gain momentum and jump, but you managed to push the ball on the other side of the net before falling back and landing on your buttocks. You winced "Sh*t"

Your teammates came cheering you with grins on their faces for the point you scored except for Kiyotani who turned back growling, probably mad because the ball wasn't for him.

Yaku helped you get back on your feet. "Are you okay Y/n ?"

"Yes I'm fine." you replied with a reassuring smile. Then you turned to face Atsumu and raised an eyebrow. "Why the hell did you think this was a good idea ?"

He shrugged and smirked. "It still worked."

"I nearly missed the ball you idiot ! Don't do that again..."

You all went back on the court and the game resumed.


When the opposing team scored the last point, you groaned and lay on the floor, exhausted. You had lost the game, but it was the most entertaining thing you had done in a while. You were still heavily breathing in your sweaty T-shirt when you saw Oikawa standing next to your body lying down, looking down at you.

" 'Cmon princess, get up."

"Nooo... I like to be lying on the floor like that."

He bent over, placed one hand under your thighs and the other on your upper back and carried you bridal style. He then leaned to your ear and murmured "You can lie on my bed as well sweetie."

Your eyes widened and you punched him in the chest. "You pervert, put me down !"

He chuckled. "Oh certainly not..."

"Put me down !" you shouted again, and some people started looking in your direction.

As you were approaching to the door to leave the gym, he noticed you started to get uncomfortable and put you back down. You released a quick sigh and rearranged you T-shirt that got lifted up while he was carrying you around. You looked up at him with eyes full of disapproval, and he stuck out his tongue, amused.

As the other people you played with arrived to get back to their rooms, he leaned down and left a little kiss on your forehead. Then he turned around and headed to his room, leaving you with some confused boys and the other managers.

The girls passed by, quickly tapping your shoulder in amusement, followed by the twins who were arguing after the match and Suna pushing them forward. The other guys also left to their dorm and you were now alone with Tendou, who still had a frowning face on.

"Is everything alright ?" you asked.

"Um... I noticed you were really close to Seijoh's setter. Is something happening between you two by any chance ?"

Crap... Now I have to tell him. But where do I start ?

You looked down. "Actually you're right. We're... close I guess."

"Like, really close ?"

"Yeah... like, really really close."

He leaned towards you and whispered "Like in a relationship ?"

You blushed. "Yes Tendou."

He flinched and gasped, putting one hand on his chest. "SINCE WHEN ?!"

"Haha... a few days after we arrived here."

"Damn you're dating him after knowing him for only a few days ?"

"No ! I've known him for a longer time..."

"Ohhh I see." You both fell silent. His eyes narrowed. "I can't seem to imagine you in a relationship it feels so weird."

"What ?! How am I supposed to feel about what you just said ?"

"Sorry it was not meant to be mean ! I just... would never have imagined this dude was your type~" he wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.

"I don't have a type."

"That's what they all say !" You both giggled and his face became serious. "But if he hurts you I'll hurt him."

You smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you..." He hugged you back tightly and you stayed like that for a moment.


Sorry I'm uploading my chapters less often these days I just need to gain back some motivation to write 😪

Anyway hope you liked the chapter <3

(1102 words)

😘 Love

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