Chapter 20

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The next week went smoothly. You decided to go to this party Semi invited you to, even though you didn't have high expectations about it. In fact, you decided that if it got too intense, you'd simply leave it.

Friday evening

The team's trainings became way more difficult and each player was targeted by different exercises depending on their weaknesses.

After today's training, you went to the park to find Oikawa, as usual. You decided to tell him about tomorrow's party, as it was the first high school party you were attending.

At first, he frowned a bit and seemed hesitant. But he knew he couldn't forbid you to go.

He sighed. "Just call me if anything happens or if you need me."

"I can take care of myself you know." you said, pouting.

"No you're still a baby in my eyes." He mimicked a baby crying. You punched him playfully "Shut up."


You woke up lazily and checked your phone. It was 10am, so you got up, showered, had breakfast and brushed your teeth. The party was way later, and Semi told you he'd pick you up around 6pm.

You were a bit anxious for it tho, because it was your first party, and you expected it to be... like a party. 'I wonder if there will be alcohol...'. But the most stressful thing was that you wouldn't know anyone there, or maybe just people you saw a few times at school, so... yeah.

Semi better be reasonable because he's the only person I can count on. I don't even know why I accepted his invitation... Oh right, Tendou forced me to do it.

You smiled. 'I don't even know what I'm going to wear. Do I wear a dress ? I'm not a fan of dresses... but it's a party, won't it be a bit weird if I show up in jeans ?'

You kept thinking about it for a few seconds and opened your wardrobe to see if you had a dress that wasn't too uncomfortable.

After a few minutes standing in front of all your folded clothes, you sighed. "So I really don't have anything to wear..." you muttered. "Well, I still have time before the party."

You went to see your mother. "Mom can I go buy a dress for tonight's party ?"

She slowly lifted her head from the book she was reading. "Hm ? Uh yeah sure go on."

"Thanks" You went back to your room to get ready, took money and got out.


After approximately two hours and a half of trying on dozens of dresses, you eventually bought one and went back home.

"Hi I'm back." you said when you opened the door.

"What took you so long ?" frowned your mother.

"Hihi... I couldn't find a dress I liked."

She sighed and smiled. "So did you buy one or not ?"

"I did ! And I kinda like it..."

"You better do ! When does your 'friend' come pick you up ?"

"Oh um... later." You checked the time, you still had a bit more than three hours.

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