Join Me (Jeraphina)

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Among Us AU where all the Royals and Ex-Royals are in, well, Among Us and still have their OG powers (yes, even Sera). And ofc, we have the impostors.

Also Sera knows about John's powers in this AU.

Note: Gore, death, possessive behavior, and other dark stuff, cos dis is an Among Us AU :p

So uh, yeah that's about it. It's also the first chapter of this book 'w'

Hope y'all like it!

(Also sry if this is not accurate to how the actual game works; I've never played Among Us, only seen some vids of Youtubers playing it ;w;)


The eerie sound of the alarm in the Reactor room grew louder, and the little air that was in the spaceship whistled past her ears as Seraphina ran, the sound of heavy footsteps behind her growing louder. She was almost out of breath, but she knew she couldn't stop:

It would otherwise be game over.

Not noticing a small wire sticking out in her way, she tripped and fell over, her toe now cut and hurt. "Ugh!", she winced, and tried to get up, hoping that she could run despite her injuries. But the pain stung, and she accepted the fact that she wasn't going anywhere until her toe was healed.

She inhaled. "Rewind", she said, feeling the cool pink aura from her body flow over her toe, reversing the wound and the blood that had begun to ooze from the cut into her spacesuit. The pain was still there, albeit less, and Seraphina ran again, knowing that whoever had been chasing her was drawing closer. Though now they had caught up.

A light tap was felt on Seraphina's shoulder, and she whirled around, ready to sock the mysterious figure in the face.

A hand parried her attack, and Seraphina froze, finally recognizing the figure's face.

"Sera! What are you doing?", asked John, staring at her with surprise, his golden eyes locked with her blue ones. "J-John! Oh phew", Seraphina sighed, lowering her arm and turning her face away to make sure John didn't see her blush slightly.

Yes, she had started to like him as more than a friend now.

But it's pointless; I bet he doesn't like me the same way, she thought, her mood darkening again.

John seemed to notice this, but just as he was about to say something, a familiar sound rung throughout the ship, rattling the metal vents and sending a shiver down John and Sera's spine.

Their monitors suddenly popped up in front of them, the screen filled with tasks and the map gone and instead replaced with an orange flame. A pink body chopped in half was at the centre of the screen, and John and Sera knew what this meant even before they read the text below the body:

"Dead body reported"

Sera winced. That pink suit... Remi...

The two then ran to the Cafeteria, and found the others waiting for them. Cecile was in a heated argument with Blyke, who'd been the one who discovered Remi's body and also the most distraught due to her death.

"It's not me, Blyke! For the last time!", Cecile yelled, anger seeping into her voice. Blyke was only growing more angry by the minute. Everyone else was split over who'd killed Remi, but more people had voted for Cecile.

It was up to John and Seraphina to decide whether Cecile would stay, or go.

Cecile's gaze fell upon John, and she turned to him desperately. "John! Tell them I'm not the one who killed Remi!", she yelled, but John stared at her blankly. He then bent down to whisper in Seraphina's ear:

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