Noodles (Jeraphina)

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I decided to dump this here cos the idea's still fresh in my head and I wanted to pen it down before I forget it 

John-centered oneshot; this takes place during his tyrant arc (post 210 to be specific)

also this contains uncensored swear words because I'm too lazy to censor :p


John stared at the empty dorm. It had been a while since Blyke had visited the place, but John didn't really care. He could be alone with his thoughts as long as he wanted, and no one would bother him.

Memories of him alone on the rooftop at New Bostin flashed through his mind, and he gritted his teeth in anger and pain. Those memories only reminded him of the past he hated so much. Of the past that had broken him more than before.

But John did his best to drown out those noises. The guilt shouldn't be eating at him so bad.

Because they deserve this. ALL OF THEM.

He felt himself tense as the familiar face of a certain someone resurfaced in his head. 

Even... even her.

Of course, Seraphina was dead to him. That's what he'd said. He couldn't care less about what happened to her. If she wanted to take Arlo's side, she was free to, because he didn't give a fuck anymore.

So why did it make him feel so bad?

Shaking his head, he walked over to his room. The door clicked open, and he stepped inside. He stared at the messy state of his chamber. The sheets had been kicked out onto the floor, there were scratches all over the wall, and the glass shards from when he'd broken his phone were still scattered all over the place.

John ignored all of these as he walked over to his bed. He didn't care if he made the bed messier than it was. He didn't bother if the covers were lying on the grounds. He didn't care if those pieces poked and jabbed at his foot. He deserved it. The pain, the nightmares, the memories. 

The things Sera had said in their argument that day still rung clear in his head. They still tugged at his conscious, forcing his mind to replay almost every sentence she'd said.

"How about you start facing your problems, instead of vilifying everyone around you--!!"

"I can't", he muttered aloud, as he lay sprawled out on the bed, exhausted both physically and mentally. "They're all monsters"

Just like me.

All of a sudden he felt his stomach growl, and he sighed. Ever since he'd become King, he'd stopped visiting the cafeteria. He didn't want anyone to stare at him, or gossip behind his back. The only times he ever got anything to eat was when no one was around, and even then he would take it to the rooftop. What was once a place where he and Sera chilled thanks to her high-tier privileges, was now his own little sanctum, where no one would dare disturb him.

His own little throne, where no one wanted to see him.

His own little kingdom, of which he was the sole denizen.

Ignoring the growing discomfort in his gut, he turned over to his side, hoping to fall asleep. But the nagging hunger wouldn't cease, and muttering curses under his breath, he slowly got up, his messy hair even more disheveled now, and his eyes dull and lifeless. Need of sleep and hunger plagued him every day, and while he had been able to ignore it for a while, he couldn't now.

Looks like I'm not gonna get any sleep until I eat something.

He got off the bed wearily, stumbling a bit over the folds of the sheets on the ground. Taking in a deep breath, he walked over to the main kitchen. He remembered Blyke having toast here almost every morning, and his attempts at getting along with John. 

Maybe he did care.

But everyone had motives, and he for sure had his.

Everyone except Sera-

"ARGH", John yelled, slamming his fist onto the counter. "WHY CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT HER?!"

Silence followed, and he took his fist off the counter after a few moments, his knuckles bruised yet again. Sometimes, yelling made him feel a bit better.

Now what should I eat...

He opened a cupboard to find nothing but utensils. John grimaced. Having been occupied with his new position, he'd forgotten to buy more groceries.

He checked the remaining cupboards, and at last found some instant noodles shoved away into a corner. Fortunately for John, it hadn't expired. In fact, it was fairly new.

Maybe I did get something after all? Or maybe Blyke had brought it before he stopped coming here? Argh who cares, at least I managed to find something to eat.

He grabbed the packet, closing the cupboard after. He grabbed a vessel, some water, a plate, and a fork, and soon set to making the noodles.

But it wasn't long before John felt another memory flash across his mind. That memory being something he didn't want to be reminded of again.

"Hey Sera! How much of the packet do you want-"

He saw her reaching for the book he'd so carelessly left in plain sight, and he felt panic rush through him as she turned around to smile at him.

Not this one...

Emptying the contents of the sachet into the vessel, now filled with noodles and water, he leaned on the counter, head lowered, as her voice echoed in his mind.

"You never fail to surprise me."

John remembered, even after he'd tried so many times to get her face out of his head. He remembered eating noodles with Sera whenever she came over. She didn't show much emotion, but he could tell she was happy. 

Sometimes he would get too excited over them and would burn his tongue, and Sera would burst out laughing. The noodles would be spicy sometimes, and he'd run around the house trying to get some water, and all the while Sera would be trying to hold in her laughter.

He didn't mind that. She didn't either. At the end of his antics they would both finish their noodles together, and then play a game, or watch a show. 

They didn't care what others thought about them. They were happy. Together.

So why did things go wrong?

A delicious aroma brought John back to reality, and he realized that the noodles were ready. They didn't smell as good as they did when he made them for both him and Sera however, but John chalked it up to the noodles being different.

When he put them onto the plate, they didn't look appetizing enough. But he knew he had to eat something, for otherwise his stomach was planning to wage war in the name of hunger.

He sat at the counter with his plate, and stared at it for a good minute before he took a bit into his mouth. It tasted both delicious yet bland, even though he'd added the full sachet in.

Something was missing.

He ate quietly, ignoring her voice in his head laughing heartily and telling him about a prank someone played on Arlo, or cracking jokes about random things. He tried to pay no heed to the memories of her chilling with him at the infirmary, her legs on his lap, and playing Slappy Pig with him.

Because he knew that deep down, he missed her touch, her voice, her comfort; everything.

And as much as he didn't want to admit it, noodles didn't taste the same without him being able to share them with her.


This had more Jera content in my head tbh, lol. It was supposed to be longer too. Oh well

Anyways, sorry for not updating in AGES. I got caught up in a lot of schoolwork and I didn't have enough time to think up of something ;-;

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and make sure to comment and vote! See ya!

- SereneMoondancer

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