25th July 2014

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25th July 2014 was the first time I noticed her on twitter. My follower retweeted her picture and damn when I saw her picture I thought she was beautiful so I followed her on twitter! As a guy, I thought I should make the first move and so I did! I mentioned on her pic and put the emoji "😍" and my oh my was I so happy she replied me with heartshape!!! Im like literally dumbfounded and words can't describe how happy I was. After mentioning her, I quickly dm-ed her and we talked and talked till late night. Finally when we both were really tired we both decided to head to bed, but before that we exchanged numbers so that we could whatsapp each other the next day. That night as I was about to go to bed, I had a wide smile on me and damn thought to myself, "Am I in love with this piece of perfection" and not long after I fell asleep. The next day, I woke up and man my morning was literally made! Atiqah spammed me asking me to wake up and said I sleep like a pig hahahaha. I can't believe how adorable she was!! We continued to talk on and on and on and never got bored of each others craps.

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