Chapter Eighty-Five.

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With the sunshine high in the sky and shining down on my body as my skin soaked in all the colour, I looked out at the pool where Chloe was splashing around with Jack, who was floating in the water in his inflatable Mickey Mouse rubber ring. Kate, Jonathan, Mum and Michael had decided to rekindle their love for Harry Potter with a trip to the Harry Potter Wizarding World at Universal Studios, leaving us all in the villa by ourselves. Chloe had got the job of looking after Jack - designated by Michael with his excuse being she was getting a free holiday. George was still asleep with suspected sun stroke as he’d been awake most of the night being sick.

“Is George feeling any better?” Chloe asked as she put Jack on her shoulders and began to swim across the pool towards where I was laid on the sun lounger, soaking up the rays.

“I think so,” I smiled, pushing my sunglasses up onto the top of my head. “He was still asleep when I went back into my room twenty minutes ago. I think he just needs to sleep it off.”

“Bless him.”

“Disney!” Jack screamed at me.

“We can’t go to Disney yet,” I sighed as I got up from the sun lounger and walked across to the poolside to pick up Jack from Chloe’s shoulders. “George isn’t feeling well.”

“We could go?” Chloe paused. “Girls day at Disney with him.”

“We can’t.”

“Why not?” Chloe asked. “You don’t need him with you every second, do you? He won’t mind.”

I suppose she did have a point. He wouldn’t mind. He did say this morning that we could go to Universal Studios without him but I didn’t feel right to leave him at the villa by himself.

I looked at Jack’s face and then Chloe’s - they both seemed to be pulling identical angel-like faces.

“Okay,” I smiled. “But I’m gonna go check on him before hand.”

“I need to get changed anyway,” Chloe grinned, climbing out of the pool and wrapping my towel around her body.

Before I had chance to say anything else, Jack wiggled out of my arms, jumped off the sun lounger in a clumsy fashion and ran off into the villa through the open patio doors. I grabbed my iPad from the sun lounger and followed Chloe into the villa. She headed towards her room as I headed towards mine and George’s. Opening up the bedroom door, I saw George sprawled out on our bed, still looking as white as a sheet - well, in the areas he wasn’t red raw from the sunburn.

“Hey,” he smiled in a sleepy voice.

“Go back to sleep,” I hushed as I sat down on the bed beside him and ruffled my fingers through his hair. “I’m just coming to get some clothes. We’re taking Jack to Disney. Are you going to be okay without us?”

He nodded as he opened his eyes fully and looked up at me. I could tell just by his eyes that he wasn’t feeling well. I’d never seen him like this - he didn’t even look this bad when we came down with the flu at the X Factor tour.

‘Have fun,” he whispered softly.

“We won’t be too long. We’ll probably just go on a few rides, stay for the parade and fireworks and then come back,” I smiled. “Try get some more sleep.”

“I will.”

I kissed his forehead before letting him get back to sleep. Quietly as possible, I grabbed a pair of white denim shorts from the dresser and a white sleeveless shirt. After pulling the shorts over my bright pink bikini and putting the shirt over my shoulders, I clipped my hair up at the back of my head and left the bedroom. As I walked into the lounge, I couldn’t help but laugh at Chloe as she tried to get Jack to stop running about naked so she could finish getting him dressed.

“Sammy, help me!” she pleaded.

“Jack, stop running about and let Chloe get you dressed or we won’t go to Disney.”

He immediately stopped running about and his giggle turned into a frown.

“Thank-you,” Chloe laughed as Jack walked over to her and let her put his shorts on him.


Standing in the queue for one of the children rides that we decided to go on for Jack’s benefit, I rested against the barrier and held onto my phone, tapping at the screen as I texted mum. Just as I was about to press send, my phone buzzed.

“Tried getting back to sleep but couldn’t. Still feeling pretty crap but Hannah Montana is on Disney Channel so I’ll be sorted for a few hours, haha. Hope you’re having fun X”

I smiled instantly at George’s name as it popped up on my screen.

“Hannah Montana? Wow, I envy you, haha! We’re just taking Jack on Snow White ride. He’s getting a bit tired now so we might just miss the parade and fireworks x”

“Phineas and Ferb just finished so I had no other choice to watch it. I can’t help but imagine Miley twerking on Robin Thicke though.. X”

“Haha! We shouldn’t be back too late. Mum, Michael, Kate and Jonathan have gone to Universal so they should be back before us x”

“Who are you texting?” Chloe teased, knowing exactly who I was texting but she still needed to ask me.

“Oh, just my mum,” I lied.

“With a grin like that?” Chloe winked.

“Fine. I’ve just had a text off George too, but it isn’t illegal. Is it?”

“It’s cute,” Chloe laughed as we walked a few steps as the queue slowly got shorter. “You’re like a little lost puppy without him.”

I rolled my eyes as I put my phone into the pocket of my shorts and picked up Jack, who was swinging from the barriers. “What songs are from Snow White, Jack?”

“If I had a dick, I would pull it out and piss on ‘em,” Chloe whispered to me.

“I said from Snow White, not Nicki Minaj,” I laughed. “Plus, don’t be teaching my one year old brother words like that. My mum will never forgive me."


With a sleeping Jack in the back of the hire car, I drove the car onto the drive of the villa and turned off the engine, hoping I didn’t wake him in the process. Chloe got out of the car and walked into the villa, leaving me to get my sleeping brother. Carefully, I unclipped him from his car seat and picked him up, cradling him in my arms as I walked into the villa. Chloe had already warned my family, who were sat in the lounge watching television, that Jack was asleep so they all smiled quietly at me and left me to carry him into my mum and Michael’s room to put him in his cot.

“Good day?” mum asked me as I leant over the side of the cot and tucked a still sleeping Jack in.

“Yeah, it’s been good,” I smiled.

“Thank-you for looking after him,” mum said, rubbing my back out of gratitude. “I suppose you’d better go look after your baby now.”

“Is he still in our room?” I asked.

Mum nodded. “He was in the lounge when we came back from Universal but I told him to go back to bed. He didn’t look well at all.”

I sighed.

“Hopefully it should be just a 24 hour thing. He’ll be fine after a nice cold bath and good night sleep.”

I nodded.

“Go look after him,” mum insisted.

Without arguing, I followed her instructions and walked out of her room and across the lounge to the hallway that led to the room I shared with George. Creeping into our bedroom, I saw George laid on the bed in a towel. His hair was wet like he had just got out of the bath and his eyes were closed but I could tell he was awake. I closed the door behind me and crawled onto the bed to lay beside him. As I laid down, he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest. Usually I would have fought him off so his hair didn’t get my shirt wet but I didn’t want to fight him off. I held onto him as he let out a soft sigh.

“Thank-you,” he hushed.

“What for?”

“For being here,” he smiled - his eyes still lightly shut as I ran my fingers through his hair.

“Just go to sleep,” I whispered. “You’ll feel better in the morning. I promise.”

The Heartbreak Factor - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now