Chapter Thirty-Four.

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“Flight BA728 to Bridgetown, Barbados is now boarding from gate 34,” the tanoy announced as we all sat in the departure lounge, waiting for our flight to be called. 

“Finally,” George smiled, sighing a sigh of relief as he picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder.

After making sure we all had everything we needed, we made our way to the gate that was on the other side of the international airport – typical. It seemed like we walked for miles to get to the other side of the Gatwick terminal, but we finally arrived – just in time for our row to be called forward for boarding. 


Sandwiched in between George and Josh as they both played various games on their phones for the whole duration of the long haul flight was not my idea of a fun start to the holiday, but I didn’t care. To tell the truth, it was pretty amusing to watch them both bickering over who won what game, who was the overall winner of their little tournaments and, on the odd occasion, who cheated. As they argued for the billionth time that flight, I attempted to read a book. Usually, reading definitely was not my sort of thing, but I loved to read on flights, especially long haul ones. I suppose my book choice wasn’t very appropriate for our setting though – Fifty Shades of Grey. Chloe had had a little obsession with them since they got big but I really didn’t see the big deal with the book series – it was just kinky book porn. Hilarious kinky book porn.

“What are you laughing t?” Josh asked me as I was curled up on my seat, snuggled into the blanket I had brought along especially for the flight with the book in one hand and my drink in the other.

“Nothing,” I grinned, slurping my drink through a straw as I continued to read a raunchy part of the book, restraining myself from laughing too hard.

“You do realise that’s basically porn?” Josh asked, still focusing most of his concentration on the game.

Josh had said ‘porn’ a little too loud, causing the old couple in the row in front of us to turn around and look at us with a look of pure disgust. “Really?” I laughed, lowering my voice as I flicked the page over, still trying as hard as I could to stop myself from laughing too much. “I just thought it was a children’s book. A children’s book where penis and clitoris were popular words.”

Another woman in the row opposite us tuned to look at me with a disapproving look on her face as she evidently overheard accidentally, but it was more likely to be on purpose, our topic of conversation. 

“Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in his vicelike grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his lips,” I began to read an extract from the book; lengthening the words and elongating the pause between sentences to create a seductive tone. “His other hand grabs my hair and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine. My tongue tentatively strokes his and joins his in a slow, erotic dance. His erection is against my belly.”

George collapsed into a giggle fit as Josh looked at me in revulsion. “That was..”

“I know,” I laughed before sinking back into my chair to continue reading the book.

I kept giggling at certain parts and kept showing Josh and George what I was laughing at, causing them both to burst out in hysterics at the book. The amount of dirty looks that we got throughout the duration of the flight was unreal, but so worth it - it was hilarious. 


“It’s out with the old, and in with the new. Good-bye clouds of grey, hello skies of blue,” I sang to myself, looking out at the sunshine through the window of the airport. 

“Oh, Sammy. You’re not, are you?” Josh asked, looking at me with a look of complete disbelief. 

“A dip in the pool. A trip to the spa. Endless days in my chaise. The whole world according to moi.”

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