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I screamed. Well, who wouldn't when you are looking at your idol's bedroom. Who's room am I looking at you ask? I am staring at Kian Lawley's room. This is the room I'll be living in. This is one weird twist of events. I only love Sam and now I'm living in Kian's room? I'm more upset then anything. I mean Kian is also pretty good looking and I know they are trying to make me feel better and at home, but his room? Why not Sam's?
"What you think?" Kian asked as he walked into now our room. I don't know what to say, but my inner fan girl came out before I could ask him why I was in his room.
"This has been in my dreams many times, to see your room in person. But why am I your room? Who's idea was this?" Hurt flashed in his eyes, but quickly he was back to himself.
"Sam's" Sam came up with this idea? When?  How?
"Why? When was this decided?" I looked at him, wanting to know the truth about this all.
"When you were asleep, we talked about it. Sam wanted to know where to put you, since we have no spare room because Sam took it over. I told him, I'd offer my room. At first, he was hesitant about it, but then he went with it, so that's why you are here in my room." Hmmmmm, Sam was hesitant? Why didn't he want me in his room? I honestly don't see the problem with me. "He didn't want me in his room?"
"Alexa, that isn't why. Don't worry about exactly why. Just be glad you are away from that devil of a dad." I laughed at his comment about my dad, letting the subject change into something else. I dropped the conversation about the room. I'll just figure it out later. I see that the room hasn't changed since the last time I seen it, which was a few days ago. I don't see why I can't be with Sam, instead of Kian. I looked around the room, noticing one of two things. There wa only one bed and it was Kian's room. Does he expect me to sleep with him? I honestly don't know what to think of that, but went with it. He was helping me after all.

It has been a few hours since we arrived at the O2L house, and let me tell you, it's been a blast. I am so glad I decided to ask them for help. One, I now live in Califorina with five amazing boys and two, I am away from Dad. That reminds me, he hasn't called me once, maybe he is too drunk or tired to notice her being gone. I wasn't as happy then as I should be. Maybe, I should call him and tell him? I mean he loved me before this happened. I guess he still loves me now. He is my dad after all.

"Hey guys, I'll just be outside. I need to clear my head." They nodded, knowing good and well I needed my privacy and all that jazz. I walked out the door, sat down on the driveway and thought about what I was about to do. Am I really going to ruin my good time here, to call my dad? After all he has done? I guess, I am losing my mind, but I did it anyways. The next five minutes I will regret for the rest of my life, just like four days ago when I came in late. I got my phone out of my pocket, dialed his number then waited for him to pick up. On the last ring, he finally answered.

"Hello?" His voice was strained, like he was crying or screaming. I could not really tell by the phone.

"Hey Dad. Alexa here." I heard him exhale a huge breath, guessing he was holding. Then that was then the yelling started.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! I got home and you weren't there?! What were you thinking??" I cringed at his hard tone, shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have called him!

"I am out, don't know when I'll be back." I said in a strong voice.

"Alexa, where are you?!?!?! TELL ME NOW!" He yelled louder into the phone. I was ready to cry, but held back the tears. He hurts me, not even caring about me.

"Califorina, I am never coming back." I heard him slam his fist down on something before he spoke again.

"You are with them boys aren't you?" He knows? Or does he assume that I am.

"Why would you think that?" I retored back.

"Alexa, you think I am that stupid?!?! You hate me, you left, and now you are with them boys. I will try to find you, bring you home back with me." He said with emotion. Will he really try to find me? Or he is he making think he is because he is trying to scare me? I don't know how to respond.

"I am not going back to that house! DAD YOU HURT ME! SO LEAVE ME ALONE! BYE!" I hung up as fast as I could. The tears that I was holding back, now pouring down my face. How could he just act like he didn't do anything to me? How could he do that? I can't go back to that house. I will not. He needs to understand what he did to me was unforgivable. He can't do that and think I will take him back, I sat there for a good hour after crying and laying on the slightly cold driveway. No one came out to check on me in this hour, but then I seen footsteps coming my way. I couldn't tell who it was, but I didn't care. I don't need them to know what I did or why I am in this postion right now.

"Alexa, what;s wrong?" It was Sam, a voice I needed to hear. I am glad it was him. I pulled myself up to where I was now sitting on the pavement instead of laying on it. I didn't say anything, just stared at him. He was so beautiful, tears were still streaming down my face. He wiped them away.

"Please tell me why you are crying." He said.

"I called my Dad." I said. His expression changed completely. This was when I knew I screwed up, but was never told any different.

"Why would you do that, beautiful?" I smiled slightly to his complement.

"I don't know. It just happened." I said as Sam hugged me tight then picked me up. "What are you doing?" I asked scared.

"Taking you to your home. Where you belong." He said proudly, walking into the house with me in his arms.


What?!?! I updated! That is crazy huh? Sorry guys these two weeks have been crazy! We had winter weather last week and this week. It snowed a foot today at my house, and I think it is still snowing, but anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. It took a plot twist! (:

Comment below your thoughts of this chapter! Oh, I am a vine editor now! If you want to check out my vines look up CaniffMyLawlorffGrier That's me! (:

I am also working on a Lawlorff story, it will probably be up in March sometime, but I am not sure! I am sorry for this big authors note, I just want to update you guys!


-ahh-taylorcaniff (:

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