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Well, this ride has been interesting. I have been told so many stories of Kian and Sam when they were kids. Hanging out places they shouldn't be, being out so late that the police had to pick them up and take them home. It was all very interesting. It made me notice that they weren't these perfect guys from the internet honestly. They were normal kids, people. I found out things about them I'd never think to know. This was going to be a great time. I hope it lasts with these two.

"Alexa, are you comfortable?" It's been three hours since we left, so I was pretty stiff, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to stay in this car forever. They liven me up. This is a miracle, being with them this way.

"I'm good guys" Kian nodded. Sam turned his head toward me giving me a look. What? Why are you looking at me like that?

"Do you need to get out?" They both nodded. "Okay, Kian find somewhere to stop." He agreed, but it was another thirty minutes before we could stop, so we played games on the way to a gas station.

"THAT IS NO FAIR!" It was the third time I lost the tag game. Sam was laughing, winning as always. Kian smiled at me, noticing my mood.

"Alexa, its just a game" He said. I rolled my eyes. I honestly was done with games.

"When are we stopping?!" Sam asked annoyed.

"There is nowhere yet to stop." Pointing at the barren landscape.

"You have got to be kidding me." This was said as a sign came up saying exit in a mile with gas stations. I was actually ready to get out of this car now.

We finally got to the gas station. Sam ran in as fast as he could. Duty calls, I guess. So now it was just me and Kian, which I didn't mind that one bit. He was very nice to talk to.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. Honestly, right now is the best I've felt in a while. Them being here, thats all I needed.

"Yes, right now I am." He wrapped his arms around me, giving me a small hug. I was still sore from my dads countless beatings, but this moment was too good to get ruined.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered in my ear as he let me go. I got back into the car, shortly after Sam was back. Two minutes went by before anyone talked. Sam spoke up.

"What was that hug about back there?" He saw that? Oh well. It was a friendly hug.

"Sam, i was seeing if she was okay." Kian said before I could, helping me out of it. How was I supposed to explain it? The hug was sweet. I always loved hugs best.

"Okay okay." He said throwing his arms up. "Lets play another game. We still got seven hours in this car. Lets make it count."

"So you can beat me again?" Raised my eyebrow. He winked at me.


"What did you have in mind?" Kian asked.

"How about Truth or Dare, car edition." He said in a funny voice. We nodded in agreement. This should be fun.

"Who is going first?" I asked. Sam raised his hand.

"Okay, Kian." Of course he picks him first. Like he could do much since he was driving. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, not much I can do driving." He said laughing.

"You know what? You are no fun. Okay, is it true that you are 19 years old?"

"Yes, that's true. Okay, my turn. Alexa, truth or dare?" I thought about saying truth, but no telling what they were going to ask me.

"Dare." Well, here goes nothing.

"I dare you to smack Sam in the face." What? Sam was like really dude? I did it anyways. It wasn't hard, but it was loud. We all burst out into laughter.

"Okay, Sam. Truth or dare?"

"Dare you know it." Hm, what should O make him do?

"I dare you to lick the side of Kians face slowly." His face was priceless. Kian only could laugh, as Sam actually did it. His face was so digusted. I was laughing so hard at this. Kian was giggling. He must be ticklish.

"Alexa, truth or dare?" He said wiping his tongue on his shirt.


"Alexa, is it true that you are a fan of us?" Wow, what a question that was.

"Yes? You should have already known that!" I playfully smacked Sams arm. "Kian, truth or dare?" He sighed.

"Dare, this will be hard." I laugh at him, I got a good one.

"I dare you to roll down your window and scream I LOVE BIG BUTTS AND I CAN'T LIE!!!!" He slowly rolled down his window and screamed it. Cars going by was looking at him weird. Me and Sam couldn't quit laughing.

"I hate y'all. That was so embassrassing."

This game lasted another hours before Sam was out. I was slowly drifting to sleep also, but Kian was singing to a song on the radio. That kept me awake. He had an amazing voice, wish he would've sung more. The song was 'Shattered' by Trading Yesterday. The sing is so beautiful. He made it so much better. He noticed I was staring at him.


"Nothing, you just sing really good." He smiled, but shrugged.

"Nah, I'm not that good." I laughed.

"Okay, whatever you say Kian." Sam was snoring that was all I heard for the next 30 minutes.

5 and a half more hours until California. I can't wait to meet the rest of the guys, then start my new life.

I slowly fell asleep to Kian singing to another song.

I knew I was dreaming this time because I was no longer in the car. I was in a house unfamiliar to me. I started to freak out because this wasn't my house. What was I doing here? When did I get here? That was when I seen JC and Connor sitting on the couch that was in front of me. I was in the O2L house. I walked around the house, finding Ricky along the way. Where was Kian? I walk up the stairs. There was a door open, I heard a voice inside. It was Kian. I slowly creeps into his room. I noticed he was making a video. I decided I would scare him so I got behind him, grabbed his shoulders and pulled. He jerked, then he seen me. He smiled.

"Hi guys this is Alexa Sparks. My best friend." I'm his best friend? When did this happen? I've only known him four hours.

That's when I woke up to Kian saying "Alexa, wake up we are stopping."

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked groggy.

"Two hours. Let's get some food." I noticed we were in a parking lot of a McDonald's and it was dark as a dungeon outside.

We only have three and half more hours to go. I got out of the car, and went into the McDonald's. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I got into the McDonald's. I'm ready to eat and get back on the road.

Theres another chapter!!! I'm doing so good on updates!!! This weekend I won't be as good. I'll be at a friends house with no internet access so bare with me. I love you guys.
Comment and vote if you like this chapter! I really would like some feedback on this story! (:
I love you guys (:
-ahh-taylorcaniff (:

Shattered // Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now