Time Well Spent.

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We decided not to go into McDonald's even after getting out of the car. We seen how many people were in there and didn't want a mob on our backs. Drive through it is I thought. Sam and Kian swapped seats so Kian could look at me more and get some sleep. I didn't exactly like the attention I was getting because of how bad I looked. The wounds were healing, but my heart wasn't and I needed to get back on track.

"Sam, get going. I'm hungry." Kian said while Sam just sat and didn't move in anyway to get the car back started.

"What is it?" I asked them both. I remembered one thing about Sam. He had a condition.

"Sam, did you take your medicine?" Kian asked him, he just shook his head.

"Dammit Sam. Where is it??" What is going on? I wanted to ask, but if I did I'd make it worse.

"I don't know. I honestly thought I could make the trip without it." Make it without what? I still hadn't figured out what was going on with him.

"Really? You need insulin all of the time! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Kian spat at Sam as he rummage through his bag. Hoping he had what he needed. "You can be so stupid, Sam."

"Can we just get something to eat? I need food." He said finally starting the car. He wasn't letting this get home down. Kian found Sam's insulin, which he gave to him as we got our food. I got my normal chicken sandwich. Kian got a big mac with Bacon and cheese. Sam got a milkshake and fries. He probably didn't have much of an appetite. We started back on the road. We wasted an hour at McDonald's because of the Sam thing, so we were running on a tight schedule.

"Don't do that again okay?" Kian told Sam. He smiled at his friend. This must happen a lot.

"What do you have again? I forgot exactly." Stupid question, I knew exactly what he had.

"Diabetes. It's serious, but I thought I could make a ten hour trip. I was sadly mistaken." I laughed at his stupidity. If you have a condition you should always be prepared for the worst.

"That was a stupid move Sam." I told him as he stared at the road.

"Yeah, I've only had that happen twice." Kian laughed at that. He must have more stories then Sam was letting on.

"What? Tell me." Kian looked away, remembering something no one else should know.

"Alexa, Sam has had worst moments before. I wish he would take better care of himself. He has went into a diabetic coma at my house one time. I didn't know what to do. I called his mom and told her. We rushed him to the hospital and he didn't wake up for a few weeks." He was to the point of tears. I wanted to hug him, but I couldn't reach him.

"Kian, I love you man. I never wanted to scare you at all." I cried a little bit at their moment. It was so great to see them this close. I hope their relationship stays this way.

"Wanna play another game?" Kian asked.

"No, not really. How about we tell each other stories?" I asked in return. They both shook their heads in a Yes motion. "I guess I'll start." I said thinking of a perfect story to tell them. I don't remember many things, but I think I found something.

"When I was ten, I learned how to sing. I was never good until I finally got lessons to become a better Singer. I am still a bit rough, but not as bad as I once was." I told them.

"I want to hear something." Kian said looking at me with those eyes.

"I don't know guys."

"Please Alexa." Both Sam and Kian said together.

"What do you want to hear?" I asked them.

"Anything." Kian said. I thought about a song to sing. The only song that was in my head was Someone by Trevor Moran, so I decided to sing it.

"That was beautiful." Sam said after I was done.

"Yes, it was." Kian agreed with him.

"Thank you! Now, who is next?" I said

"Next? Oh, story time. I guess I'll go." Sam said "First, I was never a outspoken kid. I was always to myself and people tried to make fun of me for it. I was always different. Never like all of the rest. I was bullied to point I got depressed, that was when I met Kian. I'm glad I met him. He showed me there was a better way to handle hate and other things like that." This was an amazing story. I guess this has been time well spent. I just love hearing new things about them. They are so different from the videos on YouTube. I can't wait to meet the rest of their crew.

"My turn. I hate being tall and so skinny, but Hey that's in my nature to be this way. I also love meeting Sam and living in that house has showed me how much I do have friends." Kian said next. These stories are so good. I had nothing else to say, but I figured we do the sign game next.

"I got a game for us to play." I said even though I was tired, and didn't have enough energy to do anything else. "You sure?" Kian said half asleep. I guess we could go to sleep now.

"I guess not." I said.I slowly fell asleep after that conversation. Two and half more hours til California.

OMG guys!!! I'm finally back with an update!! Sorry, I've been sick with the flu and my mind was so messed up. I feel better today and I'm so happy I can finally go back to school!!! Hahaha I'm so weird.
Well I hope you like this update!! (:
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-ahh-taylorcaniff (:

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