The Problem

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As soon as we got into the car and got our seat belts on we were off! I was on the left side and Aidan was on the right. Toronto is a beautiful city, all the lights and buildings just lit up like bright stars in the sky. There are a lot of shops and restaurants around and there's so much to do how could anyone hate this city?!

Aidan: "Hey Y/n" *taps my shoulder*
Me: "yes?" *looks into his beautiful green eyes*
Aidan: "Let's get to know each other better"
Me: "Sure, you go first"
Aidan: "Okay, well I'm an only child, born 18th of September 2003 to Rob and Lauren Gallagher, I live in Los Angeles California, I'm vegan and I'm also a UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador. Your turn" *pokes me*
Me: "Wow, your helping the environment a lot, I love it! Okay so (you say all the things about you)"
Aidan: "Your life sounds amazing, better than mine for sure"
Me: "No its not liar!" *nudges*
Uber driver: We've arrived.

I look out the window to see a huge hotel with lights everywhere and it looks so fancy. *Wow this place looks awesome, I better hop out and get our luggage and get checked in*

Aidan: "Y/n your daydreaming again" *he laughs*
Me: "Oh sorry, I'll help you now"
*I hop out and help Aidan with the luggage*
Aidan: "Wow your bags heavy, what have you got in there, rocks?"
Me: "Oh just some things and clothes, you know the usual" *I shrug*
Aidan: "Hmm you might have came more prepared than me then"
Me: "Maybe" *I laugh*

We walk into the hotel and of course I fell over a suitcase, I got distracted by Aidan and his walk it's so powerful.

Aidan: "Hey are you ok?"
*picks me up off the suitcase*
Me: "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a bit clumsy"
*I laugh a little bit embarrassed*
Aidan: "Are you sure? You hit your head a little"
*He lifts my head up to see the bruise
Me: "Oh I have a bruise?" *Touches*
"Ow! Should not have done that!"
Aidan: "Yeah you shouldn't have"
*he laughs* "Let's get checked in and then we can take care of it"
Me: "Sounds good to me!"

We both walk over to the receptionist and get checked in.

Aidan: "Hi, reservation for Aidan Gallagher"
Me: " And Y/n Y/l/n" *I but in*
Receptionist: "Hmm there seems to be a problem" *Stares at computer*
Aidan and me: "A problem? What problem?"
*we look at each other and laugh*
Receptionist: "We've seemed to have double booked your room Y/n Y/l/n"
Me: "Oh... Is there another room I can stay in?"
Receptionist: "Sorry, we're fully booked up"
Me: "Oh... Well now what?"
*I look at Aidan who was staring at me the whole time*
Aidan: *Clears throat* "Well your welcomed to stay with me if you'd like" *Looks away shyly*
Me: "Really?! That'll be perfect, I mean okay whatever"
Aidan: *His face lit up and a huge smile cam across his face*
"Yes really! You need a place to stay why not my room"
Me: *Smiles*

The receptionist gave us two key cards, we thanked her and started to walk to the elevators. Dragging our suitcases along behind us.

Part 3 tommorow!

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