The Hotel Room

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This is your bedroom in the hotel:

(Aidan's pov)I walk over to the suitcases in the corner of the room where Justin left them to unpack

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(Aidan's pov)
I walk over to the suitcases in the corner of the room where Justin left them to unpack. I unzip a suitcase without checking, I'm just so tired and I'm worried about Y/n. I look inside and think
*hmm I don't remember packing this or this* holding up a bra and a makeup bag
*oh shit, this isn't my bag it's Y/n's!*
I panic putting the stuff back and zipping the suitcase back up.
*I'm so stupid who could I forget!*
I then look over to the other suitcase and I unzip it and start to unpack my stuff. I got half way through until I heard groans and aches from Y/n. I look over to Y/n and I see that she's moving a little, I walk over to her to see if shes feeling better.

Me: "Y/n? Y/n?"
Y/n: *Groans in pain*
Me: "You're safe don't worry were in the hotel room, try not to move too much you hit your head badly"
*I hold her hand, rubbing it gently*
Y/n: *Moans*
"I feel like shit"
*rubs her head*
Me: "Hey, don't touch it. You'll make it worse! Here's some aspirin, it'll help with the pain"
*I hand her some aspirin and a bottle of water*
Y/n: "Thanks"
*Smiles and tries to get up*
"hm could you possibly help me up?"
*She stares into my green eyes*
Me: "Oh ofc! Sorry"
*I help her to sit up on the bed*
Y/n: "Don't worry it's fine!"
*Puts pills in her mouth and shallows them with water*
"What time is it?"
Me: "Oh its about.. 02.27 in the morning" (no wonder I'm tired)
Y/n: "Oh wow its late we better get to sleep, I don't think I'll be able to get up could you please get me my pyjamas in my suitcase"
*smiles cutely"
Me: *Stares at her in awe*
"... Oh, sure"

I walk away embarrassed over to her suitcase and I grab her pyjamas.
These pyjamas:

Since I'm here I better grab my pyjamas: (pretend the print isn't on it)

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Since I'm here I better grab my pyjamas: (pretend the print isn't on it)

I hand Y/n's pyjamas over to her and I get lost inside her y/e/c eyes they're so beautiful

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I hand Y/n's pyjamas over to her and I get lost inside her y/e/c eyes they're so beautiful. Her hand slightly touched mine which gave me butterflies her skin is so soft and perfect.

"Uhhh... Aidan?"
*I snap out of it*
"Sorry, sorry"
*I Look away embarrassed*
"Do you mind looking away, I'm going to be changing or you can watch I really don't care at this point"
"No! I'll give you your privacy, I'll go into the bathroom to change"
"Suit yourself"

I walk into the bathroom and change into my pyjamas.
*What would've happened if I stayed?
I think to myself
*Would I have seen her... No don't think about that!*
I hit myself in the head
*wtf did I do that!*
"Aidan? You good in there?"
"Yeah totally good, don't worry about me try to get comfy"

I walk out of the bathroom to see Y/n standing up in her pyjamas that look hot on her body, perfectly shows all her curves. I drool a little just seeing her.

"I see your standing that's a good sign"
"Yeah I'm glad that I can finally stand again, I missed it"
"You better get back into bed before you fall again"
"Fine, I will I just wanted to wait for you"
"Which side are you sleeping on?"
"I'll take the right side if that's okay"
"Sure, I wanted the left side anyways"
*I laugh*

We both get into bed (we did all the nightly essentials) and I turn off the light as we say goodnight to each other.

I'm super sorry for the long wait I've just been super busy and stressed out I'll try to post new parts soon!

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