Chapter 3

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Davery's POV

I was in the nurse's office. My nose was bleeding and hurt a lot. It was going to be definatly bruised in the morning. The nurse was checking my nose out.

"How did this happened?" The nurse asked.

"I was playing basketball in gym and got hit in the face with the ball." I said.

I kinda lied but I just wanted to get out of there. She stopped checking my nose and looked at me. She had red lipstick in her teeth that was really bugging me.

"Well it's not broken but it's going to feel bruised." She said.

"It seems that you are not the only person that got a hurt today." The nurse said.

I knew she was talking about Amber.

"I think you should go to the bathroom to clean off your nose."

"Thank you." I said and walked out.

I went to the bathroom and washed the blood of my nose. I thought I was alone when I heard someone open a stall. I looked up and saw Amber walking out of the stall. She had a smirk on her face when she saw me.

"I bet that hurts." She said.

I want to punch her in the face again.

"Well I did get elbowed in the face so yeah it does hurt." I replied.

"Well then don't get on my bad side then."

"Then don't be a bitch then." I snapped.

Amber walked right up to me. She was inches away from my face. She smelt like cotton candy. She was staring right in my eyes.

"You think you are so special because you are popular, you have the perfect life, the perfect friends and family. All you really are is a nobody." She said.

I clenched my fists.

"I really didn't think you had the guts to punch me in the face, but you did. I guess I under estimated you. I kinda liked that you suprised me. Well I guess you should watch out for me, because I can make your life hell." Amber said and walked out.

This was going to be a interesting year.

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