Chapter 6

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Davery's POV

Ring! Ring! Ring! Amber's cell phone rang. I turned down the volume of the tv so she could hear. Amber took her phone out and looked at it.

"Shit." She muttered. She answered the call. I heard shouting on the other end of the phone. Amber looked so relaxed after a few minutes she hung up.

"I have to go." Amber said.

"Ok." I said.

I was kinda disappointed because I had fun with her. We both stood up.

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked.

"Nah, I will be alright I like walking home anyway." She said.

We walked to the front door. We stood there got a few seconds looking at each other. I didn't know exactly what to say. I was afraid if I said too much it will turn awkward. So I waited until she talked to me.

"Well, thanks for having me over." She said.

"Me too, I had a real fun time." I said.

"Ditto." Amber said then opened the door. She took a step outside then turned around to face me.

"Would you like to hang out again some time?" Amber asked.

I couldn't believe she still wanted to hang out with me. I thought maybe she didn't because of me being popular. I didn't give a shit about being popular anyway. I hate labels. I looked at her then nodded my head.

"Cool, you have my number so call me sometime." She said.

"Alright, goodnight Amber."

"Goodnight Princess." Amber said then walked out the front door. I looked outside and saw her walking down the street. I watched to make sure she was alright until I couldn't see her anymore.

I locked the door and went over and sat on the couch. I watch the rest of Jersey Shore and ate more popcorn. It didn't feel the same watching it without Amber. It was fun watching it with her.

What the hell am I thinking? I didn't like her today at school at all then we hang out and we are having fun and I think she's cool. I don't know what's happening to me.

I got tired of watching Jersey Shore so I turned off the tv and went upstairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth and wiped my make up off my face. I laid on my bed scrolling through my iPod when I found the song Decode from Paramore. It remind me of Amber. I listen to it on replay all night long.


Amber's POV

Damn I had a blast. I had a really fun time just hanging out with Davery. It's weird how we just hanged out around the house and talked for hours and it didn't get boring.

I never expected a little popular bitch like her would be so fun hanging out with. But she wasn't all that bad that I thought she was. Davery was different. I guess that's what's made her cool to be around with.

My house was about thirty minutes away from Davery's by walking and ten minutes by driving. I didn't mind being away from home.

I didn't really think of it as a home I thought of it as hell. I hated my house. I hated being there. I hated having to live there. I'm counting down the days until I turn eighteen to get out. Maybe even sooner.

I got on the block where my house was. I wished I was still at Davery's. It was defiantly better looking then mine. I walked real slow my whole way here. Now I looked like a zombie on the sidewalk.

I got up to my front lawn. The dead grass and beer cans in the front lawn. I took a deep breath then starting walking towards my house.

I got on my porch and opened my door. Right away I smelled cigarette smoke and alcohol as soon as I walked in. My mom and dad was on the couch. My mom was smoking and my dad was drinking whiskey. I could tell he was drunk and so was my mom.

I shut the door and they both looked right up at me. My mother snorted.

"Where the hell have you been?" She asked harsh.

"Hanging out." I snapped back.

"Don't get a attitude with me bitch!" She screamed.

"Sorry." I said. Then started walking up towards my room.

I was about to step on the stairs when I felt someone grabbing a handful of my hair. I was spun around and faced my father. His breath reaked with booze. He was only a few inches away from my face.

"You live in my house you follow my rules, or your ass with be on the goddamn street like a nobody selling your yourself to be able to buy a f*cking glass of orange juice. You are useless and no good for nothing. You don't deserve shit. You better be f*cking nice to me or I will make you ass disappear." Dad said.

I looked right in his eyes.

"I would rather be a nobody then end up like you." I said coldy.

I knew I shouldn't of said that but it already slipped. I saw his fist draw back. I closed my eyes waiting for the hit on my face when he let go of me. He shoved me towards the stairs.

"You're not worth it." He said. He turned around and took a big gulp of his booze.

I walked up stairs to my room. It was tiny. With clothes everywhere and a big mattress on the floor. I went over to desk and got out a razor. I needed to feel relief. I say on my bed and pulled up my sleeve. I already had a few cuts from earlier this week.

"One more wouldn't hurt." I whispered.

When I cut, I didn't feel pain. I felt relief. It made it feel good some how. Just seeing the blood was fascinating to me. I thought it was taking my pain away from my body. I like that feeling. I needed that feeling now.

I looked at my wrists as I slowly dragged the razor acrossed my skin.

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