The Proposal

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I don't want to keep you lovely readers in suspense for much longer


Suddenly he dropped down on one knee, she gasped.

He took her hands into his palms. "hermione" he said in a sweet sincere voice " you already know I love you, so much, so much I would kill for you" he looked straight into her eyes wich began to water. "I would lay down my own life just to stop your crying my love" he smiled, wich was so sweet she cried more. "every day I wake up without you next to me, is a dead one..." "because every day that you do is full of life" he looked teary now to but ever smiling "in fact every minute I spend with you is a lifetime of joy". Hermione was both crying and nodding vigorously all at once. "you can take way my Manor my money , my Malfoy name if you want" "it all belongs to you anyway, along with my heart" "but hermione I don't think I would keep on living if you were taken from me"

"hermione I will protect you with my life, and bring you joy with every minute i have left" lwant to spend the rest of my life with you, and I think you would too if you were me". He smirked just that once, dropped her shaking little hands and his own went to his back pocket.

He pulled out a dark green velvet case and carefully opened it showing the beautiful Malfoy family ring a silver snake coiled round a huge jagged edgy emerald. It was beautiful, just like his him. "will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Before he could stand up fully she attached her lips to his "yes" she muttered between kisses through loving lips "yes" tangled tongues "yes Draco, forever I'll be yours". And she kissed him more somewhere between all that he managed to get the ring on her finger, Merlin knows how.


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