The Reservations, The Room, and the Restaurant

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"look alive" Draco waved his hands in front of the dazed desk person, a boy with glasses and an expressionless face. "we have reservations under the name of Malfoy" Draco further clarified. Finally the dazed desk boy gave them their room key and ushered them to the elevators.

They got inside just the two of them, there wasn't an bellhop "yes!"exclaimed Draco, "what" hermione could barely question, because Draco attacked her face with kisses. He pinned her against the elevator wall with his body, "Draco, we're in an elevator" she interrupted, Draco grinned against her lips and said "hmm....we are in an elevator, and it's going up very quickly" he was panting and his mouth was wide open when he kissed her,  it was hot and very very sexy. Hermione eventually forgot the elevator situation and jumped up to straddle his hips, Draco was thrown off balance and he landed on the floor with hermione on top of him, just then the elevator doors opened

~ ding~

A bellhop was standing there waiting, Draco got up and helped hermione up too they were both blushing. The bellhop took them to their room.

The moment they were inside and the door was locked Draco attacked her mouth giving her a lot of tongue and teeth,

"Granger!! Bed! Right now." He ordered. She gave a pouty look refusing and continued to kiss him. He grabbed at get ass and tried to push her towards the bed, but no

"Draco we have to go to dinner"

He didn't care he needed her in bed right now, he ripped off her shirt, she squealed.

"Draco" she tugged at his, he took it off too. He was dying, hurting, he wanted and needed her do badly, he grinded on her against the wall. She moaned loud using her hands to stop his hips from bucking, she opened his zipper and pulled them clean off then took hers off to. Draco was astonished he always had to coax her to get into anything intensely sexual.

"Granger you're making me go hard!" Draco yelled picking her up and plopping her on the bed against her own will, "Draco!" She whined a bit, but then smiled

"I love you Draco" she kissed his chest,

That's it Draco was into it, he cradled up her body and found a comfortable position, caging her with his arms and legs he licked around her neck and left love bites too, hermione moaned and cried "Draco!" Every time. Draco continued kissing her and grinding on her, his hands moved to her back and opened the bra expertly, pulling the cups off her breasts, then he attacked, massaging them with his warm strong hands and nipping and sucking at her nipples. She got to work on taking of his boxers , pulling at the waistband teasing by licking around it. Draco looked down at her, it was the first time he'd every begged it was always hermione, she liked it this way "fuck you Draco!!" She cried and pulled them down

"yes please!" Draco pulled of her panties this time he went in with his head licking on the insides of her thighs and playing with her, she was groaning now loudly, damn he wanted to enter already. Suddenly she grabbed his chin and kissed his on the lips "Draco I love you my husband, and we have dinner in half an hour, but I don't care I need you right now!!" She whispered lusty against his lips. "I love you too Granger" and he entered.


Hermione took a nice long shower then she got into a tight white Bodycon dress Draco had bought for her. He'd gotten reservations at the fancy restaurant on the top floor. She was bubbling with excitement. After she got ready and made her way out the door she took the elevator all the way to the 200th floor.

When she got in the restaurant an usher saw her and and told her to follow him, he led her to a secluded spot against two glass walls with curtains around it, "your table Mrs. Malfoy" she went around the table and took a seat in the chair across Draco, he looked marvelous, she might have been drooling at the food, or at him, she didn't even know. They had a lovely evening, they talked about how lovely their kids would be, how they would remodel the manor, and just chatted until about midnight, then Draco left a tip paid the bill, picked her up and they went to their room.

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