day 1 of N.E.W.Ts

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@giovanna.m: I went on Prince's phone to distract me from the fact i have exams in 3 hours and i found some..stuff
tagged: @prince.charming @alex.hamilton

@giovanna.m: they are literally biting eachothers faces off
   ~@prince.charming: Fuck off

@alex.hamilton: you're so hot @prince.charming
   ~@giovanna.m: HES BLUSHING SO HARD RN
   ~@prince.charming: SHUSH

@theo.nott: goals
   ~@prince.charming: i would like you more if you didn't replace me as Vanna's best friend
   ~@theo.nott: oops

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tagged: @theo.nott @the.nice.greengrass

@theo.nott: fuck you bestie
~@giovanna.m: fuck you too bestie

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All House Gc

Me: Okay im panicking
Me: we have charms in 14 minutes
Me: can someone use the killing curse on me rn

Pansy: gladly

Me: shut up

Prince: Calm down

Me: wait prince or mione come
help me study

Prince: i'm trying to eat mate

Me: so i'm not more important
than food😪

Prince: of course you're not
Prince: not even Alex is

Me: I'm screenshotting that

Prince: Alex knows his place already

Me: wow
Me: mione?

Mione: I'm helping Ron right now

Me: so i'm fucked

Draco: I'll help

Prince: NO

Draco: i'm the only other smart
person here
Draco: i do doubt that you're
smart tbh

Me: Prince i'm really desperate
Me: we have 10 minutes
Me: do you know what
fuck it i'm coming to your

Pansy: NO

Me: oh fuck off


I got up from my spot at the Ravenclaw table and quickly walked over to the Slytherin table. "LEAVE HERE MOON" an annoyingly high pitched voice screeched. "oh fuck off Pansy G probably wants to sit with her best friends" Theo replied. I walked to where they were all sitting and sat next to Draco who who opposite Blaise meaning i was opposite Theo.

Even though i was next to Draco i tried to keep as much distance as i could, "i'm not a disease you know Giovanna. You can come closer" Draco said. I just ignored him and flipped him off, before i knew it a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. Immediately i got butterflies.


Don't tell me i like him again

Did i ever stop liking him?

I quickly removed those thoughts from my head and turned to Draco who was smiling smugly. "what are you smiling at" i tried to say bitterly but it just came out normally.
"nothing nothing, anyway what do you need help with in Charms" he asked. "Like everything" i replied feeling a bit embarrassed. "Well we only have 5 minutes..." as soon as he said that panic washed across my face and he must of noticed because next he said " had top marks in Charms last year you'll be fine don't worry Gia"

Again with the nickname

There's those butterflies again

I cant like him

I just can't

But i do

No one needs to know that though

"Okay it's time to go" He said whilst linking our arms. Then he started skipping? Oh My Gosh Draco Malfoy is skipping. I burst out laughing and he looked down at me with a fake angry expression. "Oi stop laughing" he said, I couldn't even respond as my laughter was choking me. Soon i was on the floor wheezing, before i could understand what was happening i was being thrown over someone's shoulder. "Gia we have 2 minutes we're going to be late come on" Draco said as he started jogging to class.

Yep i definitely like him again

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