The Message

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It was a normal spring day in the land of Axle City.

At the park, Blaze and AJ were playing soccer with Starla, Stripes, Watts and Gabby. Darington and Zeg watched them from the sidelines, cheering each team on.

Crusher and Pickle are with them as well, but Pickle was the only one cheering for the teams while Crusher was reading a book beside him, grimacing with each loud cheer his best friend yelled out.

Soon, the two teams were close to tie up their scores. The Boys Team had 10 points while the Girls Team had 14 points.

By then, Darington, Zeg and Pickle were already making bets on who the winning might be. Crusher rolled his eyes at them with a sigh.

"Does it matter which team wins?" he grumbled. "It's obvious that it's the girls,"

"Ha! Told you, Zeg!" Darington grinned. "That's a vote from me, Pickle AND Crusher!"

"Zeg still believe Blaze, AJ and Stripes will win!" Zeg shook his head. "Zeg bet 30!"

"I bet 30 too!" Pickle called out.

"This money's not gonna be wasted!" Darington cried out, taking out the same amount of money.

"Come on, Crusher!" Pickle urged his best friend. "Bet with us! Bet with us!"

"Not with the amount of pocket money Grammy sends me weekly," Crusher huffed. "Maybe next time,"

"Still a 2 out of 3!" Darington exclaimed. "GO, GIRLS TEAM!"

"GO, BOYS TEAM!" Zeg cheered.

"GO, FRIENDS!" Pickle jumped up. "GO! GO! GO!"

Crusher rolled his eyes at them and went back to his book to ignore them. Just as he did, he heard soft flapping from above, and he looked up to see a glowing blue bird made of crystal flying towards them.

Wait, a GLOWING blue bird? Made of crystal?!

"What the...?!" Crusher jumped back, crashing onto the tree behind him. "Ow~"

"Crusher!" Pickle drove towards him to help him up. "You okay?"

"Yes..." Crusher groaned. "but I think I'm seeing things because I think I just saw—"

"Crystal blue bird!"

They both turned to see Zeg and Darington gasping as the blue bird flew towards them. Pickle's eyes widened before he squealed.

"Pretty bird!" he sped towards the bird as he held out a tire. "It's so bright and crystall-y! Hi, little birdie!"

The crystal bird gave a chirp as it landed one of it's tires on Pickle's. The green truck giggled.

"D'aww!" he patted it gently. "It's so cute too!"

"What crystal bird doing here?" Zeg wondered.

"Yeah," Darington agreed. "There aren't really any crystal birds in Axle City. Wonder where this one came from,"

The crystal bird gave a tweet and another chirp before fluttering it's wings up, dropping a small envelope on the ground from it's other tire. Crusher spotted it and took it into his tires.

"Huh," he looked over at it. "It says here that this is for... Blaze?"

"Hey, BLAZE!" Darington called out to the field. "You've got an envelope or something!"

"Huh?" Blaze turned to him, causing the ball to roll off for Watts to take. "An envelope? From where?"

"A cute crystal blue bird!" Pickle cooed, patting the creature beside them.

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