Chapter 1

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"I'm sure you will like it here. Everyone is very nice," Becca tells me. I roll my eyes and think 'That's what all the others told me.' "Ya, sure," is what I say instead. Becca sighs and unlocks the apartment door. She walks in. I follow slowly, dragging my duffel bag behind me. I have my pillow under my arm. I shut the door with my foot and just stand there. The apartment has a living room, two bedrooms each with their own bathroom, and a kitchen. The entire place is done in purples and reds and blacks. She told me all about it on the way here from the orphanage.

"Raven, if you would follow me, I'll show you your room." Becca says, snapping her fingers to get my attention. I grab my bag and follow her. She leads me down the hallway and stops in front of a door. "This is your room. Dinner will be ready at six." She leaves. I look at my phone. It says 2pm. I open the door, step inside then shut it. I drop my pillow and bag on the floor then look around. I notice a stereo system. I go over and check it out. It has a place to plug in your ipod. I take mine out and plug it in. I turn on HIM and listen as Ville's voice sings to me about building fortresses around his heart.

"Ya. Sounds a lot like me," I say out loud and turn it up. I go to my bag and pull out my blanket and my stuffed fox. I grab my pillow and plop down on the bed. "This Fortress of Tears" ends and "Dark Light" comes on.

"The poison tears of a life denied," I sing softly. I turn onto my side and drift off to sleep.

"Hey, wake up," a voice says, coaxing me out of my dream. I open my eyes and see Becca standing there.

"Watizzit?" I mumble.

"Dinner is ready. We have guests so please wear something presentable." She pats my arm then leaves, shutting the door behind her. I get up and riffle through my bag. I thrown on a HIM hoodie and head to the bathroom. I pull my hair into a bun and wipe my face with a wash rag. Deeming myself "presentable", I head into the kitchen. I notice a woman and a boy sitting at the table. The woman looks like an average soccer mom. The boy looks about 6'3". He has a emo style hair cut and the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen. I look at Becca and raise my eyebrow.

"Raven, this is Amy Biersack and her son Andrew. Amy is a friend of mine," she says, emphasizing friend. I roll my eyes. "Be nice," she whispers. I sigh and go sit at the table.

"Hi, Raven. It's nice to meet you," Amy says, holding out her hand. I shake it and say hi. "Don't be rude. Say hi, Andy," Amy scolds. Andy looks up at me and says "Hi, Andy." He looks back down. I laugh and say, "Hi, Raven." He laughs. Amy is scowling at him and Becca is trying to hide her smile.

"That's the first time you've smiled since you've been here, Raven," Becca says, putting the mashed potatoes on the table. We are eating roast beef, potatoes and garlic bread. I snatch one and take a bit out of it. "Ya, so?" I ask around a mouth full. Becca shakes her head and fills her plate.

After dinner, while Becca and Amy are cleaning the table, I sneak off to my room. I close the door but leave a crack. I go to the stereo and turn it on. "Wings of a Butterfly" starts playing.

"HIM. Awesome," Andy says, making me jump. I turn around and see him leaning against my door frame. He smiles at me. I smile back and say, "Ya. I love HIM." Andy comes in and sits on my bed, leaning his back against the wall.

"No. I don't mind. Come in and make yourself at home," I say sarcastically. He smiles again and says, "Don't mind if I do." I shake my head and sit opposite of him. I copy him and lean my back against the wall. The way my bed is it's enclosed on three sides by a wall.

Andy looks at me, cocking his head to the side. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Was that really the first time you've smiled since being here?" he asks. I grab my fox and rest my head on her. "Yes," I reply. "Why?" he asks, confused.

I sigh. "Well, I've been with Becca for eight hours, six of which I was asleep. So, that's why." "Huh," Andy says. We fall into a comfortable silence listening to "Killing Loneliness". I pet my fox absentmindedly.

"What's its name?" Andy asks after a while. "Huh?" I ask, confused. "Your fox. What's its name?" he repeats. "Oh. Her name is Yuki. It means snow." I reply, smiling. "It works with her being white and all," Andy says, smiling back. "Ya. I really want a real fox but Mrs. Roberts wouldn't let me have one at the orphanage. She said it would be to hard to keep, being in the city and all." I roll my eyes. "Well, how about for Christmas I get you a pet fox?" Andy asks. "If I stay that long," I reply and lean my head against the wall. "What do you mean?" Andy asks, cocking his head to the side in confusion. Before I could reply, Becca comes in and says Andy has to leave. Andy gets up and heads out the door. Becca and I follow him. I say goodbye to Amy. I walk over to Andy and he hugs me. I hug him back. Just as I'm about to let go, he whispers in my ear, "I hope you do stay for a long time. I really want to be friends." He lets go and smiles. I smile back. They say bye one more time and leave. I go to my room, get a shower, then lay back down. I fall asleep with Andy's words ringing in my ears.

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