Chapter 6

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"Wake up. Raven... Raven... Raven, wake the fuck up." The covers are thrown back, letting freezing cold air bombard my body. I grab the nearest object, a pillow, and throw it in the direction of the voice. "You missed, stupid." I open my eyes to see Jake grinning at me, holding the pillow I just threw. I flip him off and pull the covers back over me. "Fine, be that way. I'll just go get Andy." The door slams shut. "Oh well. I'll get a few more minutes of sleep..." I fall back asleep.

"DOG PILE!" Something heavy lands on me. The covers are pulled back to reveal a smiling Andy. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. ME." I growl at him. "Nope. I quite like it here," he replies. "If you value your manhood, then get off of me," I threaten. Andy shakes his head. "Nope. Your not that mean." "Have I ever told you why I got kicked out of the last foster home?" Andy cocks his head to the side then shakes it. "No. Why did you?" he asks. "The boy that was living there too kept fucking with me. I told him to stop. When he didn't, I chopped his balls off while he slept." I finish with a smile. Andy gulps and gets off of me slowly. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Ash walks through the door and gives me a hug. He looks at Andy.

"Why does he look like he's seen a ghost?" Ash asks. "I told about the time I chopped the balls off of the kid at the last foster home." I reply. "You never did that." Ash says, walking over to his bed. He sits down. "How do you know that?" I ask, crossing my arms. "You told me the same thing once. I asked Becca if it was true, she said no." I glare at him. "So my manhood is safe?" Andy asks hopefully. "Yes it is," Ash says, giving Andy a smile. I roll my eyes, grab some clothes and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I walk out five minutes later. I look around. Andy and Lucky are the only ones in the room.

"Where is everyone?" I ask. "In the lobby. I told them I was going to wait for you." He smiles at me. I smile back and say, "Thanks." I put my flip flops on and grab my phone. I look at Andy. "Ready?" I ask. "Yup," he replies, getting up. I head towards the door. Lucky tries to follow. "No, Lucky. Stay. I'll be back soon." She whines but stays. Andy pushes past me to open the door. I shake my head. We head to the lobby. We get off the elevator and walk to where the rest of the guys are sitting. They are laughing at some story Jake Is telling. I steal a piece of bacon off of Ash's plate then sit next to him. "Hey! That was my last piece of bacon!" "There's more up there," Minny says. Ash crosses his arms and pouts. I give him a kiss on the cheek and say, "If it will make you happy then I'll get you some more." "No. I wouldn't want to stress you out to much," Ash says, rolling his eyes. I shrug my shoulders and take a drink of Ash's orange juice. CC's phone rings.

"Yes? Uh huh. Nope, we're eating now. Okay. I will. Yup. Bye." He hangs up. "Jon says that we need to be leaving now if we are to make it to Ohio for the show." "Okay. Since Raven and Andy have yet to eat, I can get Raven's stuff and Jake can get Andy's. That way they can get a bite to eat," Jinxx says. "What about your stuff?" I ask. "We took it to the bus already," CC replies around a mouth full of food. They get done and head back to the room for mine and Andy's stuff. Ash looks at me.

"What would you like to eat?" he asks. "I'm not that hungry," I mumble. Ash narrows his eyes. "You need to eat. You haven't ate since two o'clock yesterday." "Ya so? You're not my mom. You can't force me to eat," I say, getting angry. Ash sighs. "I'm sorry. I just worry." He gives me a small smile. I sigh and smile back. "Fine. Get me an apple." Ash gets up and gets me one. He hands it to me then sits back down. Andy gets up to grab some food. I eat my apple.

Twenty minutes later we are ready to go. Being the first one on the bus, I claim the bottom bunk for myself. Andy claims the one across from me. Ash narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything. He just throws his stuff on the bunk above me and climbs in. I lay down on the bed. Lucky jumps up with me. I throw the blanket over both of us and close my eyes.

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